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Binziad Kadafi Anggota Komisi Yudisial Republik IndonesiaMasa jabatan20 Desember 2020 – 20 Desember 2025 Informasi pribadiLahir11 September 1975 (umur 48)JakartaKebangsaanIndonesiaSuami/istriSri Dini IndariniAnak3Orang tuaK.H. Abdurrahman Arroisi & Siti Romlah AdnanPendidikanMTs Pondok Pesantren Darunnajah Jakarta (1987-1990) MA Negeri 1 Yogyakarta (1990-1993) S1 Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia (1993-1998) S2 University of Washington School of Law, Amerika Serikat (20...

2023 UCI Track Cycling World ChampionshipsVenueGlasgow, United KingdomDate(s)3–9 AugustVelodromeSir Chris Hoy VelodromeEvents22← Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines 2022Ballerup 2024 → 2023 UCI Track CyclingWorld ChampionshipsSprintmenwomenTime trialmenwomenIndividual pursuitmenwomenTeam pursuitmenwomenTeam sprintmenwomenKeirinmenwomenScratchmenwomenPoints racemenwomenMadisonmenwomenEliminationmenwomenOmniummenwomenvte The 2023 UCI Track Cycling World Championships were held fr...

Salvatore Pugliatti Salvatore Pugliatti (Messina, 16 marzo 1903 – Ragusa, 22 maggio 1976) è stato un giurista italiano, oltre che musicologo e letterato. «Un vero uomo del Rinascimento, multicorde, come ben di rado ne vede il nostro tempo ed ancor più di rado il nostro mondo universitario.» (A.C. Jemolo) Indice 1 Biografia e carriera 2 Attività scientifica e pensiero giuridico: lineamenti 3 Altre attività culturali 3.1 La letteratura e l'arte 3.2 La musica 4 Riconoscimenti 5 Opere 5.1...

Wilayah Distrik Kamikawa (Ishikari) yang berada di Subprefektur Kamikawa. Kamikawa (Ishikari) (上川郡 (石狩国)code: ja is deprecated , Kamikawa-gun (Ishikari no kuni)) adalah sebuah distrik yang berada di wilayah Subprefektur Kamikawa, Hokkaido, Jepang. Distrik ini memiliki kesamaan nama dengan Distrik Kamikawa (Teshio), yang juga berada di dalam Subprefektur Kamikawa dan Distrik Kamikawa (Tokachi) yang berada di Subprefektur Tokachi. Pada tahun 1869, ketika wilayah Hokkaido dibagi ke d...

La neutralità di questa voce o sezione sugli argomenti biografie e politica è stata messa in dubbio. Motivo: Eccesso di dettagli e esposizione non neutrale dei fatti. Per contribuire, correggi i toni enfatici o di parte e partecipa alla discussione. Non rimuovere questo avviso finché la disputa non è risolta. Segui i suggerimenti dei progetti di riferimento 1, 2. Davide Galantino Deputato della Repubblica ItalianaDurata mandato23 marzo 2018 –12 ottobre 2022 Legislatu...

Under-20 ice hockey championship held in Canada 2017 IIHF World Junior ChampionshipTournament detailsHost country CanadaCityMontreal, TorontoVenue(s)Bell CentreAir Canada Centre (in 2 host cities)DatesDecember 26, 2016 – January 5, 2017Teams10Final positionsChampions United States (4th title)Runner-up CanadaThird place RussiaFourth place SwedenTournament statisticsGames played30Goals scored183 (6.1 per game)Attendance257,882...

Roberto Sosa (18 April 1930 – 23 May 2011) was an author and poet born in Yoro, Honduras. He spent his early life working hard to help provide for his poor family. When he was almost thirty years old, he published his first book. Sosa published Los Pobres in 1969, which won the Adonais Prize in Spain. Un Mundo Para Todos Dividido, published in 1971, won the Casa de las Americas Prize in Cuba. By 1990, he had published six books of poetry, three of prose, and two anthologies of Honduran lit...

Cet article est une ébauche concernant un bateau ou un navire et la Marine française. Vous pouvez partager vos connaissances en l’améliorant (comment ?) selon les recommandations des projets correspondants. Classe Friant Le Chasseloup-Laubat. Caractéristiques techniques Type croiseur protégé Longueur 94 m Maître-bau 12,98 m Tirant d'eau 6,30 m Déplacement 3.982 tjb Propulsion 2 machines à vapeur (20 chaudières) Puissance 9.500 cv Vitesse 18,7 nœuds maxi Caractéristiques mi...

Debra WhitmanDebra Whitman (a destra) viene salvata dall'Uomo Ragno in ostaggio da Mysterio, disegni di Miller/Rubinstein UniversoUniverso Marvel Lingua orig.Inglese AutoriMarv Wolfman Al Milgrom EditoreMarvel Comics 1ª app.settembre 1979 1ª app. inThe Amazing Spider-Man (vol. 1[1]) n. 196 Editore it.Editoriale Corno 1ª app. it.agosto 1981 1ª app. it. inSettimanale dell'Uomo Ragno n. 22 Caratteristiche immaginarieSpecieumana SessoFemmina Etniastatunitense Luo...

Ayaan Hirsi AliAyaan Hirsi Ali, 2016Lahir13 November 1969 (umur 54)Mogadishu, SomaliaPekerjaanpolitikus, penulisDikenal atasSubmissionThe Caged VirginInfidelPartai politikPeople's Party for Freedom and DemocracySuami/istriNiall Ferguson (2011 - sekarang)AnakThomas Ferguson Ayaan Hirsi Ali (pronunciationⓘ; bahasa Somali: Ayaan Xirsi Cali; lahir Ayaan Hirsi Magan 13 November 1969 di Mogadishu, Somalia)[1] adalah aktivis feminis, penulis dan politikus Belanda. Ia adalah putri...

Fortification in Australia Tomaree Head FortificationsLocation of Tomaree Head Fortifications in New South WalesLocation2 Shoal Bay Road, Shoal Bay, New South Wales, AustraliaCoordinates32°42′53″S 152°11′12″E / 32.7148°S 152.1866°E / -32.7148; 152.1866 New South Wales Heritage RegisterOfficial nameTomaree Head Fortifications; Tomaree Head; head Battery; Tomaree Battery and Stephens BatteryTypestate heritage (built)Designated22 October 2010Reference no....

Decks lower than fore and aft on a ship This article is about the traditional use of the term well deck. For well decks in amphibious warfare ships, see Well dock. USS William Ward Burrows on 6 July 1942. Her 3/23 guns have been replaced with 3/50 guns and the sponson in the forward well deck for the 50-foot motor launches has been removed. (The aft well deck is clearly visible forward of the poop.) In traditional nautical use, well decks were decks lower than decks fore and aft, usually...

1859 conflict between Sardinia (with France) and Austria Franco-Austrian War redirects here. For other uses, see Franco-Austrian War (disambiguation). Second Italian War of IndependencePart of the wars of Italian unification and the French-Habsburg rivalryNapoleon III at the Battle of Solferino, by Jean-Louis-Ernest Meissonier, oil on canvas, 1863Date26 April – 12 July 1859(2 months, 2 weeks and 2 days)LocationLombardy–Venetia, Piedmont and the Austrian LittoralResult Franc...

Strada statale 9Via EmiliaDenominazioni precedentiStrada nazionale 32Strada nazionale 50 Emilia LocalizzazioneStato Italia Regioni Emilia-Romagna (265,806 km) Lombardia (51,454 km) DatiClassificazioneStrada statale InizioInnesto con la SS 16 a Rimini FineA1, presso San Donato Milanese (MI) Lunghezza317,260 km Provvedimento di istituzioneLegge 17 maggio 1928, n. 1094 GestoreANAS Manuale La strada statale 9 Via Emilia (SS 9) è una strada statale italiana, che collega Rimini a Sa...

American biochemist and bacteriologist Ruby HiroseRuby Hirose at William S. Merrell LaboratoriesBorn(1904-08-30)August 30, 1904DiedOctober 7, 1960(1960-10-07) (aged 56)West Reading, PA, USANationalityAmericanAlma materUniversity of WashingtonOccupationpharmacology Ruby Sakae Hirose (1904–1960[1][2]) was an American biochemist and bacteriologist. She did research on blood clotting and thrombin, allergies, and researched cancer using antimetabolites. Family and early...

Ashkelon Academic Collegeהמכללה האקדמית אשקלוןTypePublicEstablished1967PresidentProf. Haim BreitbartRectorProf. Shimon SharvitStudents3,917Undergraduates3,809Postgraduates108LocationAshkelon, Ashkelon Academic College (Hebrew: המכללה האקדמית אשקלון, HaMiklala HaAkademit Ashkelon) is a public college in Ashkelon, Israel. The college has two faculties, the School of Economics and Social Work, for management, logistics, banking, an...

يفتقر محتوى هذه المقالة إلى الاستشهاد بمصادر. فضلاً، ساهم في تطوير هذه المقالة من خلال إضافة مصادر موثوق بها. أي معلومات غير موثقة يمكن التشكيك بها وإزالتها. (فبراير 2016) بطولة العالم لكرة اليد للرجال 1993تفاصيل المسابقةالبلد المضيف السويدالتواريخ10-20 مارس 1993الفرق16الأماكن&...

Indian actress (born 1973) KanakaBornKanaka DevadasOccupationActressYears active1989–2006ParentDevika (mother)RelativesRaghupathi Venkaiah Naidu (great-grandfather)Pranika (cousin) Kanaka is an Indian former actress who mainly appeared in Tamil and Malayalam language films and few Telugu language films. She is known of her role in her debut Tamil film Karakaatakkaaran (1989). Personal life Kanaka is the daughter of actress Devika.[1][2] She is also the great-granddaught...

Stream-fed valley, State of Palestine The gorge of Wadi Auja, 2016 Wadi Auja, 1919 Wadi Auja (Arabic: وادي العوجا), also spelled Ouja,[1] known in Hebrew as Nahal Yitav (Hebrew: נחל ייטב) is a valley or stream (Arabic: وادي wādī, wadi), in the West Bank, originating near the Ein Samia spring and flowing to Al-Auja near Jericho before it runs into the Jordan River. Name Al-auja means the meandering one. This should not be confused with the Yarkon Ri...

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