"Something" was originally released in studio format on the album Musick To Play In The Dark Vol. 2. "Higher Beings Command" was originally released in studio form on Constant Shallowness Leads To Evil. "Amethyst Deceivers" was originally released on the single "Autumn Equinox". "What Kind Of Animal Are You?" has never been given a proper studio release, but was likely inspired by a track "For Us They Will" from Gold is the Metal. "Blood From The Air" was originally released in studio form on the album Horse Rotorvator. "The Green Child" originally appeared on the album Constant Shallowness Leads To Evil. The finale, "Constant Shallowness Leads to Evil", is musically based on the latter half of the album of the same name, with its lyrics derived from a portion of "Tunnel of Goats".
An official VHS of this concert was released as Live In Moscow. This (along with an alternate video angle version) is also included on the 'Colour Sound Oblivion' 16DVD box set.