List of twin towns and sister cities in Australia
Map of Australia
This is a list of places (local government areas ) in Australia which have standing links to local communities in other countries. In most cases, the association, especially when formalised by local government, is known as "town twinning " (usually in Europe) or "sister cities " (usually in the rest of the world).
Adelaide [ 1]
Albany [ 2]
Ballarat [ 3]
Banana [ 4]
Bathurst [ 5]
Bayside, New South Wales [ 6]
Bayside, Victoria [ 7]
Bega Valley [ 8]
Belmont [ 9]
Blacktown [ 10]
Bland [ 11]
Boring , United States
Dull , Scotland, United Kingdom
Whitby , England, United Kingdom
Blue Mountains [ 12]
Brisbane [ 13]
Bunbury [ 14] [ 15]
Bundaberg [ 16]
Burwood [ 17]
Busselton [ 18]
Cairns [ 19]
Camden [ 20]
Campaspe [ 21]
Campbelltown [ 22]
Canberra [ 23]
Canterbury-Bankstown [ 24]
Central Coast [ 25]
Central Highlands [ 26]
Charters Towers [ 27]
Clarence [ 28]
Cockburn [ 29]
Coffs Harbour [ 30]
Colac Otway [ 31]
Darwin [ 32]
Devonport [ 33]
Dubbo [ 34]
Fairfield [ 35]
Griffith , Australia
Hsinchu , Taiwan
Locri , Italy
Palmi , Italy
Platì , Italy
Riace , Italy
Roccella Ionica , Italy
San Giorgio Morgeto , Italy
San Lorenzo , Italy
Siderno , Italy
Zhenjiang , China
Federation [ 36]
Frankston [ 37]
Fraser Coast [ 38]
Fremantle [ 39]
Gladstone [ 40]
Gold Coast [ 41]
Beihai , China
Chengdu , China
Dubai , United Arab Emirates
Fort Lauderdale , United States
Netanya , Israel
Nouméa , New Caledonia
Tainan , Taiwan
Taipei , Taiwan
Takasu , Japan
Zhuhai , China
Goulburn Mulwaree [ 42]
Greater Bendigo [ 43]
Greater Dandenong [ 44]
Greater Geelong [ 45]
Greater Geraldton [ 46]
Greater Shepparton [ 47]
Griffith [ 48] [ 49] [ 35]
Gunnedah [ 50]
Hawkesbury [ 51]
Hilltops [ 52]
Hobart [ 53]
Hobsons Bay [ 54]
Inner West – Marrickville [ 55]
Ipswich [ 56]
Isaac [ 57]
Joondalup [ 58]
Lake Macquarie [ 59]
Lane Cove [ 62]
Latrobe [ 63]
Launceston [ 64]
Lismore [ 65]
Liverpool [ 66]
Logan [ 67]
Lockyer Valley [ 68]
Macedon Ranges [ 69]
Mackay [ 70] [ 57]
Manjimup [ 71]
Marion [ 72]
Melbourne [ 73]
Merri-bek [ 74]
Mildura [ 75]
Moreton Bay [ 76]
North Burnett – Gayndah [ 77]
Northern Beaches [ 78]
Oberon [ 79]
Orange [ 80]
Parkes [ 81]
Penrith [ 82]
Perth [ 83]
Chengdu , China
Houston , United States
Kagoshima , Japan
Kastellorizo , Greece
Nanjing , China
Perth , Scotland, United Kingdom
Rhodes , Greece
San Diego , United States
Seocho (Seoul) , South Korea
Vasto , Italy
Port Lincoln [ 84]
Port Macquarie-Hastings [ 85]
Port Phillip [ 86]
Port Stephens [ 87]
Randwick [ 88]
Redland [ 89]
Richmond Valley [ 90]
Rockhampton [ 91]
Rockingham [ 92]
Salisbury [ 93]
Southern Downs [ 94]
Strathfield [ 95]
Subiaco [ 96]
Sunshine Coast [ 97]
Sutherland [ 98]
Swan Hill [ 99]
Sydney [ 100]
Tamworth [ 101]
Tea Tree Gully [ 102]
Temora [ 103]
Tenterfield [ 104]
Toowoomba [ 105] [ 106]
Townsville [ 107]
Wagga Wagga [ 108]
Warrnambool [ 109]
Whitehorse [ 110]
Whitsunday [ 57]
Willoughby [ 111]
Wollongong [ 112]
Wyndham [ 113]