The List of major U.S. Commands of World War II includes major military commands of the United States. These are units above corps level.
Major armies Commands
Theater commands
- European Theater of Operations (ETO): Formed 8 June 1942.
- North African Theater of Operations (NATO): Formed 4 February 1943. Redesignated Mediterranean Theater of Operations (MTO) on 1 November 1944.
- Central Pacific Area (COMCENPAC): Primary subordinate command of Pacific Ocean Areas, also commanded by Chester W. Nimitz through the war.
- North Pacific Area (COMNORPAC): Formed in April 1942 as a subordinate command of Pacific Ocean Areas, commanded by Robert A. Theobald to January 1943, Thomas C. Kinkaid to October 1943, and Frank J. Fletcher through the end of the war.
- Pacific Ocean Areas (CINCPOA): Formed in April 1942 as primarily Navy command in the Pacific, consisting of Central Pacific Area, South Pacific Area, and North Pacific Area. Commanded by Chester W. Nimitz through the war.
- South Pacific Area (COMSOPAC): Formed in April 1942 as a subordinate command of Pacific Ocean Areas, commanded by Robert L. Ghormley through October 1942, William Halsey, Jr. to June 1944, John H. Newton to March 1945, and Admiral William L. Calhoun to the end of the war.
- Southeast Pacific Area (COMSOEASPAC): Formed in April 1942. Never became an active theater of war. Commanded by Ernest King throughout the war.
- South West Pacific Area (COMSOWESPAC): Formed on 30 March 1942. Commanded by Douglas MacArthur throughout the war.
- China Burma India Theater (CBI): Formed 2 February 1944. Commanded by Joseph W. Stilwell. Split into China Theater under Albert Coady Wedemeyer and India Burma Theater under Daniel I. Sultan on 24 October 1944.
Army groups
Naval Task Forces
Naval Forces
Marine commands
Air Forces
See also