List of justices of the Michigan Supreme Court

Frontal view of the Michigan Hall of Justice.

Following is a list of justices of the Michigan Supreme Court.

Current justices

Justice Service began Current term expires Mandatory retirement deadline Appointing governor Party affiliation Law school attended
Elizabeth T. Clement (Chief Justice) Nov. 17, 2017 Jan. 1, 2027 Jan. 1, 2051 Rick Snyder (R)[a] Republican Michigan State
Brian K. Zahra Jan. 15, 2011 Jan. 1, 2031 Jan. 1, 2031 Rick Snyder (R)[a] Republican Detroit Mercy
Richard H. Bernstein Jan. 1, 2015 Jan. 1, 2031 Jan. 1, 2047 n/a Democratic Northwestern
Megan Cavanagh Jan. 1, 2019 Jan. 1, 2027 Jan. 1, 2043 n/a Democratic Wayne State
Elizabeth M. Welch Jan. 1, 2021 Jan. 1, 2029 Jan. 1, 2045 n/a Democratic Ohio State
Kyra Harris Bolden Jan. 1, 2023 Jan. 1, 2029 Jan. 1, 2061 Gretchen Whitmer (D)[a] Democratic Detroit Mercy
Kimberly Thomas Jan. 1, 2025 Jan. 1, 2033 Jan. 1, 2049 n/a Democratic Harvard
  1. ^ a b c Elected afterward in their own right.

Chief justices

Michigan Territory


No. Chief Justice Tenure as Chief Justice Tenure on Supreme Court
1 William A. Fletcher 1836–1842 1836–1842
2 George Morell 1842–1843 1836–1843
3 Epaphroditus Ransom 1843–1848 1837–1848
4 Charles W. Whipple 1848–1852 1839–1855
5 Warner Wing 1852–1854 1845–1856
6 Sanford M. Green 1855–1856 1848–1857
7 Abner Pratt 1856–1857 1850–1857
8 George Martin 1858–1867 1851–1867
9 Thomas M. Cooley 1868–1870 1864–1885
10 James V. Campbell 1870–1872 1858–1890
11 Isaac P. Christiancy 1872–1874 January 1, 1858 – February 27, 1875
12 Benjamin F. Graves 1874–1876 1857, 1868–1883
13 Thomas M. Cooley 1876–1878 1864–1885
14 James V. Campbell 1878–1880 1858–1890
15 Isaac Marston 1880–1881 1875–1883
16 Benjamin F. Graves 1882–1883 1857, 1868–1883
17 Thomas M. Cooley 1884–1885 1864–1885
18 James V. Campbell 1885 1858–1890
19 Allen B. Morse 1885 1885–1891
20 Thomas R. Sherwood 1886–1889 1883–1889
21 James V. Campbell 1890 1858–1890
22 John W. Champlin 1890–1892 1884–1891
23 John W. McGrath 1892 1891–1895
24 Frank A. Hooker 1893 1893–1911
25 John W. McGrath 1894–1895 1891–1895
26 Charles D. Long 1895–1898 1888–1902
27 Claudius B. Grant 1898–1899 1890–1909
28 Robert Morris Montgomery 1900–1901 1892–1910
29 Frank A. Hooker 1902–1903 1893–1911
30 Joseph B. Moore 1904–1905 1896–1925
31 Aaron V. McAlvay 1907 1905–1915
32 Claudius B. Grant 1908 1890–1909
24 Charles A. Blair 1909 1905–1912
25 John E. Bird 1910 1910–1928
26 Russell C. Ostrander 1911 1905–1919
27 Joseph B. Moore 1912 1896–1925
28 Joseph H. Steere 1913 1911–1927
29 Aaron V. McAlvay 1914 1905–1915
30 Flavius L. Brooke 1915 1908–1921
31 John W. Stone 1916 1910–1924
32 Franz C. Kuhn 1917–1918 1917–1929
33 John E. Bird 1919 1910–1928
34 Joseph B. Moore 1920 1896–1925
35 Joseph H. Steere 1921 1911–1927
36 Grant Fellows 1922 1917–1929
37 Howard Wiest 1923 1921–1945
38 George M. Clark 1924 1919–1933
39 John S. McDonald 1925 1922–1933
40 John E. Bird 1926 1910–1928
41 Nelson Sharpe 1927 1919–1935
42 Richard C. Flannigan 1928 1927–1928
43 Louis H. Fead 1928 1928–1937
44 Walter Harper North 1929 1927–1952
45 Henry M. Butzel 1930–1931 1929–1955
46 George M. Clark 1932 1919–1933
47 John S. McDonald 1933 1922–1933
48 Nelson Sharpe 1934 1919–1935
49 William W. Potter 1935 1928–1940
50 Walter Harper North 1936 1927–1952
51 Louis H. Fead 1937 1928–1937
52 Howard Wiest 1938 1921–1945
53 Henry M. Butzel 1939 1929–1955
54 George E. Bushnell 1940 1934–1955
55 Edward M. Sharpe 1941 1934–1957
56 Bert D. Chandler 1942 1937–1943
57 Emerson R. Boyles 1943 1940–1956
58 Walter Harper North 1944 1927–1952
59 Raymond Wesley Starr 1945 1941–1946
60 Henry M. Butzel 1946 1929–1955
61 Leland W. Carr 1947 1941–1963
62 George E. Bushnell 1948 1934–1955
63 Edward M. Sharpe 1949 1934–1957
64 Emerson R. Boyles 1950 1940–1956
65 Neil E. Reid 1951 1944–1956
66 Clark J. Adams 1952 1952–1953
67 John R. Dethmers 1953 1946–1970
68 Henry M. Butzel 1954 1929–1955
69 Leland W. Carr 1955 1941–1963
70 John R. Dethmers 1956–1962 1946–1970
71 Leland W. Carr 1962–1963 1941–1963
72 Thomas M. Kavanagh 1964–1967 January 1, 1958 – April 19, 1975
73 John R. Dethmers 1967–1969 1946–1970
74 Thomas E. Brennan 1969–1971 January 1, 1967 – December 31, 1973
75 Thomas M. Kavanagh 1971–1974 January 1, 1958 – April 19, 1975
76 Thomas G. Kavanagh 1975–1979 January 1, 1969 – December 31, 1984
77 Mary S. Coleman 1979–1982 January 1, 1973 – December 24, 1982
78 John W. Fitzgerald 1982 January 7, 1974 – December 31, 1982
79 G. Mennen Williams 1983–1986 January 1, 1971 – December 31, 1986
80 Dorothy Comstock Riley 1987–1991 December 9, 1982 – February 16, 1983 and January 1, 1985 – September 1, 1997
81 Michael F. Cavanagh 1991–94 January 1, 1983 – December 31, 2014
82 James H. Brickley 1995–1996 December 27, 1982 – October 1, 1999
83 Conrad L. Mallett Jr. 1997–1998 December 21, 1990 – January 2, 1999
84 Elizabeth A. Weaver 1999–2000 January 1, 1995 – August 26, 2010
85 Maura D. Corrigan 2001–2004 January 1, 1999 – January 14, 2011
86 Clifford W. Taylor 2005–2008 August 21, 1997 – December 31, 2008
87 Marilyn J. Kelly 2009–2010 January 1, 1997 – December 31, 2012
88 Robert P. Young Jr. 2011–2017 December 30, 1998 – April 17, 2017
89 Stephen Markman 2017–2019 October 1, 1999 – December 31, 2020
90 Bridget Mary McCormack 2019–2022 January 1, 2013 – December 31, 2022
91 Elizabeth T. Clement 2022– November 17, 2017 –

Former justices

Judge Began service Ended service Notes
Clark J. Adams 1952 1953
Paul L. Adams 1962, 1964 1973
Dennis Archer 1985 1993
Nathaniel Bacon 1855 1857
Frederick Bates 1805 1808 Territorial Justice
John E. Bird 1910 1928
Eugene F. Black 1956 1973
Charles A. Blair 1905 1912
Patricia J. Boyle 1983 1998
Emerson R. Boyles 1940 1956
Thomas E. Brennan 1967 1973
James H. Brickley 1983 1999
Flavius L. Brooke 1909 1921
George E. Bushnell 1934 1955
Henry M. Butzel 1929 1955
Edward Cahill 1890 1890
James V. Campbell 1858 1890
William L. Carpenter 1902 1908
Leland W. Carr 1945 1963
Michael Cavanagh 1982 2015
Bert D. Chandler 1936 1943
John W. Champlin 1884 1892
Henry C. Chipman 1827 1832 Territorial Justice
Isaac P. Christiancy 1857 1874
George M. Clark 1919 1933
Mary S. Coleman 1973 1982
Thomas M. Cooley 1864 1885
Joseph T. Copeland 1852 1857
Maura Corrigan 1996 2011
John R. Dethmers 1946 1971
Alton Davis 2010 2010
Samuel T. Douglass 1852 1857
George H. Durand 1892 1892
George C. Edwards 1956 1961
Louis H. Fead 1928 1937
Alpheus Felch 1842 1845
Grant Fellows 1917 1929
John Warner Fitzgerald 1974 1982
Richard C. Flannigan 1928 1928
William A. Fletcher 1836 1842 1st Justice
Daniel Goodwin 1843 1846
Claudius B. Grant 1890 1909
Benjamin F. Graves 1868 1883
Sanford M. Green 1848 1857
John Griffin 1805 1824 Territorial Justice
Robert P. Griffin 1987 1994
Diane Hathaway 2008 2013
Frank A. Hooker 1893 1911
John Hunt 1824 1827 Territorial Justice
David Johnson 1852 1857
Thomas G. Kavanagh 1969 1984
Thomas M. Kavanagh 1958 1975
Harry F. Kelly 1954 1971
Marilyn J. Kelly 1997 2012
Mary Beth Kelly 2011 2015
Frank C. Kuhn 1912 1919
Joan Larsen 2015 2017
Edwin Lawrence 1857 1857
Charles Levin 1973 1996
Lawrence Lindemer 1975 1976
Charles D. Long 1888 1902
Conrad L. Mallett Jr. 1990 1998
Randolph Manning 1858 1864
Stephen Markman 1999 2020
Isaac Marston 1875 1883
George Martin 1851 1867
Thomas Francis McAllister 1938 1941
Aaron V. McAlvay 1905 1915
Bridget Mary McCormack 2013 2022
John S. McDonald 1922 1933
John W. McGrath 1890 1895
George Miles 1846 1850
Robert Morris Montgomery 1892 1910
Blair Moody Jr.[1] 1977 1982
Joseph B. Moore 1895 1925
George Morell 1832
Territorial Justice
State Justice
Allen B. Morse 1885 1892
Edward Mundy 1848 1851
Walter Harper North 1927 1952
Michael D. O'Hara 1963 1968
Russell C. Ostrander 1905 1919
Rollin H. Person 1915 1917
William W. Potter 1928 1940
Abner Pratt 1850 1857
Epaphroditus Ransom 1837 1848
Neil E. Reid 1944 1956
Dorothy Comstock Riley 1982
James L. Ryan 1975 1985
Edward M. Sharpe 1934 1957
Nelson Sharpe 1919 1935
Thomas R. Sherwood 1883 1889
Solomon Sibley 1827 1837 Territorial Justice
Otis M. Smith 1961 1967
Talbot Smith 1955 1961
Ernest A. Snow 1926 1927
Theodore Souris 1960 1968
Raymond W. Starr 1941 1946
Joseph H. Steere 1911 1927
John W. Stone 1910 1922
John Swainson 1971 1975
Clifford W. Taylor 1997 2009
Harry S. Toy 1935 1937
Josiah Turner 1857 1857
John D. Voelker
(a/k/a Robert Traver)
1957 1959
David Viviano 2013 2025
Thomas A. E. Weadock 1933 1933
Elizabeth Weaver 1994 2010
Charles W. Whipple 1839 1855
Kurtis T. Wilder 2017 2018
Howard Wiest 1921 1945
Ross Wilkins 1832 1837 Territorial Justice
G. Mennen Williams 1970 1987
Edward H. C. Wilson 1856 1857
Warner Wing 1845 1856
Benjamin F. H. Witherell 1857 1857
James Witherell 1808 1828 Territorial Justice
William Woodbridge 1828 1832 Territorial Justice
Augustus B. Woodward 1805 1824 1st Territorial Justice
Robert P. Young Jr. 1998 2017


  1. ^ "Blair Moody portrait dedication". Archived from the original on October 6, 2007. Retrieved Jun 1, 2020.

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