In some cases an "author abbreviation" consists of a full surname, while in other cases the surname is abbreviated and/or accompanied by one or more initials. There is no space between the initials and the surname (or its abbreviation).
Order of entries
The list here is maintained strictly in order of the alphabetic characters in the abbreviation; thus "A.B.Jacks." appears under "A" not "J", and is located as if the characters were "ABJACKS". Capitalization is ignored as are all non-alphabetic characters such as "." and space. Diacritical marks are also ignored, so that, e.g., "ü" is treated as if it were "u".
Because of its length, the list is split across separate pages. All alphabetic sections can be accessed from the short table of contents; the vertical bars show the page divisions. Searching will only find an entry within a page.
^Brummitt, R. K.; Powell, C. E., eds. (1992). Authors of Plant Names: a List of Authors of Scientific Names of Plants, with Recommended Standard Forms of their Names, Including Abbreviations. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. ISBN978-0-947643-44-7.
^Stillians, Arthur William (25 June 1957). "In memoriam Frederick DeForest Weidman". Mycopathologia et Mycologia Applicata. 8 (2): 161–163. doi:10.1007/BF02130072. PMID13464812. S2CID37283781.