(*1918) was often referred to by his nickname "San-she-Kodaw" (The long-haired monk) which hits off exactly his combination of Bloomsbury intellectual and Buddhist ascetic. A bachelor, a teetotaller, a vegetarian, he lives in the simplest style, even as Ambassador. A thin, handsome young man with an. appealing smile, he walks with a limp due to a tubercular bone infection, and is not physically strong. After study at Rangoon University he was sent to the Russia just before the war, with the help and influence of Dr. Ba Maw. as a State scholar, and he spent the war years there Almost inevitably he made Communist contacts in the Russia but these did not find him entirely satisfactory. He became friendly, through Mr. Furnivall. with a number of Left-wing intellectuals, such as Dorothy Woodman and Tom Driberg, and after the war canvassed with them energetically on behalf of the Anti-Fascist People's Freedom League, whose unofficial representative in London he was.[1]