The number shown after each act's title is its chapter number. Acts are cited using this number, preceded by the year(s) of the reign during which the relevant parliamentary session was held; thus the Union with Ireland Act 1800 is cited as "39 & 40 Geo. 3. c. 67", meaning the 67th act passed during the session that started in the 39th year of the reign of George III and which finished in the 40th year of that reign. Note that the modern convention is to use Arabic numerals in citations (thus "41 Geo. 3" rather than "41 Geo. III"). Acts of the last session of the Parliament of Great Britain and the first session of the Parliament of the United Kingdom are both cited as "41 Geo. 3".
Acts passed by the Parliament of Great Britain did not have a short title; however, some of these acts have subsequently been given a short title by acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom (such as the Short Titles Act 1896).
Before the Acts of Parliament (Commencement) Act 1793 came into force on 8 April 1793, acts passed by the Parliament of Great Britain were deemed to have come into effect on the first day of the session in which they were passed. Because of this, the years given in the list below may in fact be the year before a particular act was passed.
An Act for restraining the Sub-governor, Deputy-governor, Directors, Treasurer or Cashier, Deputy Cashier, and Accomptant, of the South Sea Company, from going out of this Kingdom, for the Space of One Year, and until the End of the then next Session of Parliament; and for discovering their Estates and Effects, and for preventing the transporting or alienating the same. (Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1867 (30 & 31 Vict. c. 59))
An Act to disable the present Sub-governor, Deputy-governor, and Directors, of the South Sea Company, at, from, and after, the respective Times for electing a Sub-governor, Deputy-governor, and new Directors, of the said Company, to take, hold, or enjoy, any Office, Place, or Employment, in the said Company, or in the East India Company, or Bank of England; and from voting upon Elections in the said Companies. (Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1867 (30 & 31 Vict. c. 59))
An Act for repealing an Act made in the Ninth Year of the Reign of Her late Majesty Queen Anne, intituled, "An Act to oblige Ships coming from Places infected more effectually to perform their Quarentine;"[a] and for the better preventing the Plague being brought from Foreign Parts into Great Britain or Ireland, or the Isles of Guernsey, Jersey, Alderney, Sarke, or Man; and to hinder the spreading of Infection.
An Act for granting an Aid to His Majesty, by a Land Tax, to be raised in Great Britain, for the Service of the Year One Thousand Seven Hundred Twenty-one. (Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1867 (30 & 31 Vict. c. 59))
An Act to enable the South Sea Company to ingraft Part of their Capital Stock and Fund into the Stock and Fund of the Bank of England, and another Part thereof into the Stock and Fund of the East India Company; and for giving further Time for Payments to be made by the said South Sea Company, to the Use of the Publick. (Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1870 (33 & 34 Vict. c. 69))
An Act to preserve and encourage the Woollen and Silk Manufactures of this Kingdom; and for the more effectual employing the Poor, by prohibiting the Use and Wear of all printed, painted, stained, or dyed Callicoes, in Apparel, Household Stuff, Furniture, or otherwise, after the Twenty Fifth Day of December One Thousand Seven Hundred and Twenty-two (except as therein is excepted). (Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1867 (30 & 31 Vict. c. 59))
An Act for finishing and adorning the new Chapel, called St. George's Chapel, in Great Yarmouth, in the County of Norfolk; and for enlightening the Streets of the said Town; by a Duty, or Imposition, on Coals, Culm, and Cinders, to be landed and consumed there. (Repealed by Great Yarmouth (Coal Duties and Maintenance of St. George's Chapel) Act 1848 (11 & 12 Vict. c. xxxi))
An Act for imploying the Manufacturers; and encouraging the Consumption of Raw Silk and Mohair Yarn, by prohibiting the Wearing of Buttons and Button-holes made of Cloth, Serge, or other Stuffs. (Repealed by Repeal of Obsolete Statutes Act 1856 (19 & 20 Vict. c. 64))
An Act for continuing the Duties granted by several Acts made in the Sixth[b] and Tenth Years[c] of Her late Majesty's Reign, for repairing the Harbour and Key of Watchett, in the County of Somerset. (Repealed by Watchet Harbour Act 1857 (20 & 21 Vict. c. cxli))
An Act for the better preserving, and keeping in Repair, the Piers of the Town and Port of Whitby, in the County of York; and for explaining and making more effectual the several Acts passed for lengthening and repairing the Piers of Bridlington, alias Burlington, in the said County. (Repealed by Bridlington Piers and Harbour Act 1837 (7 Will. 4 & 1 Vict. c. cx))
An Act for making navigable the River Dane, from Northwich, where it joins the River Weaver, to the falling in of Wheelock-Brook; and Wheelock Brook, up to Wheelock-Bridge, in the County of Chester.
An Act for enlarging the Term granted by an Act passed in the Tenth Year of the Reign of Her late Majesty Queen Anne, intituled, "An Act for repairing the Road from Highgate Gatehouse, in the County of Middlesex, to Barnet Blockhouse, in the County of Hertford;"[d] and for repairing the Road leading from The Bear-Inn in Hadley, to the Sign of The Angel in Enfield Chace, in the said County of Middlesex. (Repealed by Highgate and South Mimms Road Act 1815 (55 Geo. 3. c. l))
An Act for continuing an Act made in the Sixth Year of the Reign of Her late Majesty Queen Anne, intituled, "An Act for repairing and enlarging the Highways between the Top of Kingsdown Hill and the City of Bath; and also several Highways leading to and through the said City; and for cleansing, paving, and lightening the Streets, and regulating the Chairmen there;"[e] and for explaining and making the said Act more effectual. (Repealed by Bath Roads Act 1793 (33 Geo. 3. c. 144))
An Act for continuing the Duties on Malt, Mum, Cyder, and Perry, to raise Money, by Way of a Lottery, for the Service of the Year One Thousand Seven Hundred Twenty-one; and for transferring the Deficiency of a late Malt Act to the Land Tax for the said Year; and for disposing certain Overplus Money to proper Objects of Charity; and for giving further Time to Clerks and Apprentices to pay Duties omitted to be paid for their Indentures and Contracts; and touching small Quantities of Cyder exported; and for Relief of Captain John Perry, concerning Daggenham Breach; and touching lost Bills, Tickets, or Orders; and concerning the Duty of small Preces of Plate, and to enable the Undertakers for raising Thomas Water, in York Buildings, to sell Annuities, by Way of a Lottery; and for satisfying a Debt, which was charged on the late Duty on Hops; and for appropriating the Monies granted in this Session of Parliament. (Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1867 (30 & 31 Vict. c. 59))
An Act for the further preventing His Majesty's Subjects from trading to The East Indies under Foreign Commissions, and for encouraging and further securing the lawful Trade thereto; and for further regulating the Pilots of Dover, Deal, and the Isle of Thanet. (Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1867 (30 & 31 Vict. c. 59))
An Act for enabling Charles Earl of Arran to purchase the forfeited Estates of James Butler, late Duke of Ormonde; and for granting Relief to William late Lord Widdrington; and for enlarging the Time for determining Claims upon the forfeited Estates; and for enabling the Commissioners for the said forfeited Estates to certify into the Exchequer all such Estates as they have found to be given to Popish or Superstitious Uses. (Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1948 (11 & 12 Geo. 6. c. 62))
An Act for repairing the several Roads leading from the Town of Ledbury, in the County of Hereford, to the several Places therein mentioned. (Repealed by Hereford and Gloucester Roads Act 1789 (29 Geo. 3. c. 104))
An Act for laying a Duty of Two Pennies Scots, or One Sixth Part of a Penny Sterling, upon every Scots Pint of Ale or Beer that shall be brewed for Sale, vended, or tapped, within the Town of Jedburgh, and Privileges thereof, for paying the public Debts of the said Town, and for supplying the same with fresh Water; and for other Purposes therein mentioned. (Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1948 (11 & 12 Geo. 6. c. 62))
An Act for repairing the Road from St. Giles's Pound[f] to Kilbourne-Bridge,[g] in the County of Middlesex. (Repealed by Metropolis Roads Act 1826 (7 Geo. 4. c. cxlii))
An Act for raising a Sum, not exceeding Five Hundred Thousand Pounds, by charging Annuities at the Rate of Five Pounds per Centum per Annum upon the Civil List Revenues, till redeemed by the Crown; and for enabling His Majesty, His Heirs or Successors, (by causing such a Deduction to be made as therein is mentioned) to make good to the Civil List the Payments which shall have been made upon the said Annuities; and for borrowing Money upon certain Lottery Tickets; and for discharging the Corporations for Assurances of Part of the Money, which they were obliged to pay to His Majesty; and for making good a Deficiency to the East India Company. (Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1948 (11 & 12 Geo. 6. c. 62))
An Act for raising Money, upon the Estates of the late Sub-governor, Deputy Governor, Directors, Cashier, Deputy Cashier, and Accomptant, of the South Sea Company, and of John Aislabie Esquire, and likewise of James Craggs Senior Esquire, deceased, towards making good the great Loss and Damage sustained by the said Company; and for disabling such of the said Persons as are living, to hold any Office or Place of Trust under the Crown, or to sit or vote in Parliament, for the future; and for other Purposes in the said Act expressed. (Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1867 (30 & 31 Vict. c. 59))
An Act to explain and amend the Act of the Twelfth Year of Her late Majesty's Reign, intituled, "An Act for repairing the Highway or Road from The Stones-End, in the Parish of St. Leonard Shoreditch, in the County of Middlesex, to the furthermost Part of the Northern Road in the Parish of Endfield, in the same County, next to the Parish of Cheshunt, in the County of Hertford.[h] (Repealed by Middlesex Roads Act 1789 (29 Geo. 3. c. 96))
An Act to enable the Right Honourable Heneage Earl of Aylesford to sell certain Estates of Leasehold and Inheritance, in the County of Kent, comprized in his Marriage Settlement; and to purchase another Estate, in the County of Leicester, of better Value, to be settled to the same Uses.
An Act to enable the Right Honourable Thomas Lord Parker Baron of Macclesfield Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain, John Sutton Clerk, Edward Ayres and Sarah his Wife, and Mathew Hawes and Sarah his Wife, for and on the Behalf of themselves and of their Infant Children, to make several Exchanges of Lands and Tenements, and to perform their several Agreements touching the same.
An Act to vest the Fee and Inheritance of divers Messuages, Lands, and Hereditaments, of William late Marquis of Halifax in Trustees, to be sold, together with a Term of Five Hundred Years by him devised to his Executors in Trust, for the better Performance of his Will.
An Act for settling the Estates of Richard late Earl Rivers deceased, pursuant to an Agreement made between Frederick Earl of Rochford and Bessy Countess of Rochford his Wife, James Barry Earl of Barrymore in the Kingdom of Ireland, and Lady Penelope Barry his Daughter, and John now Earl Rivers, subject to the Payment of the Debts and Legacies of the said late Earl Rivers remaining unpaid; and for other Purposes in the said Act mentioned.
An Act for Sale of Part of the Estate of the Right Honourable Robert Lord Romney, in the County of Norfolk; and for settling other Lands, of greater Value, in the County of Kent, already purchased, to the same Uses.
An Act to enable any Corporations within the University of Oxford, or any other Persons, to sell and convey any Messuages and Ground within the said University, for building a Library, pursuant to the Will of John Radcliffe Doctor in Physic; and for empowering any Colleges in the said University to sell or convey any Ground or Houses to each other, for the Purposes therein mentioned.
An Act to vest the Estate of Sir Charles Carteret Baronet, deceased, in Trustees, for Payment of his Debts; and settling the Remainder to the same Uses in his Will.
An Act to enable His Majesty to grant the Inheritance of certain Estates therein mentioned, held by Lease from the Crown, which have been long in the Family of Sir William Pulteney, deceased, and in which more than One Hundred Years are yet to come, to Trustees, upon a full Consideration to be paid for the same, as shall be valued by the proper Officers of the Crown, to the End the same may be settled according to the Uses directed in the Will of the said Sir William Pulteney.
An Act for vesting in Trustees a Moiety of divers Manors and Lands in Essex, belonging to Thomas Pagett Esquire and Mary his Wife, to enable them to convey the same, according to Articles for the Sale thereof.
An Act to enable Herbert Perrot Pakington Esquire, only Son of Sir John Pakington Baronet, to acknowledge Fines, and suffer Recoveries, while he is under the Age of One and Twenty Years.
An Act for vesting certain Lands and Tenements, in the County of Gloucester, the Estate of Henry Harington Gentleman, in Trustees, to be sold; and, with the Money arising thereby, to purchase other Lands, of greater Yearly Value, to be settled to the same Uses as the Estate to be sold is settled; and for other Purposes therein mentioned.
An Act to enable Harry Bridges Esquire to sell the Manors of Ilebrewers, in the County of Somerset, for Payment of his Daughter's Portion, and Legacies charged thereupon.
An Act for discharging certain Estates in the Counties of Norfolk and Suffolk, of and from the Uses and Limitations contained in the Marriage Settlement of Thomas De Grey Esquire; and for settling other Estates, in the said Counties, to the same Uses.
An Act to enable James Clavering Junior Esquire to make Sale of his Estate at Tanfield, in the County of Durham, freed from the Uses and Trusts in the said James Clavering's Marriage Settlement; and to settle his Estate at Hall Hill, in the said County, to the same Uses.
An Act for vesting the Manors of Burnells, alias Riston, and certain Lands in Norfolk, Part of the Estate of Jonas Rolfe Gentleman and Lucy his Wife, in Trustees, to be sold, for discharging the Incumbrances thereon; and for other Purposes therein mentioned.
An Act to enable Robert Paynter Esquire to sell the Manors of Twydall and East Court, in the County of Kent; and to settle other Lands, of greater Value, to the same or the like Uses.
An Act for Sale of the Estate of John late Earl of Kildare, deceased, in the County of Limerick, within the Kingdom of Ireland, for Payment of the Charges and Incumbrances thereon; and for other Purposes therein mentioned.
An Act for discharging Part of the Estate of Richard Cambridge Esquire, in the County of Gloucester, from the Uses and Limitations contained in his Marriage Settlement; and for settling another Estate, in the same County, of better Value, to the same Uses.
An Act for confirming the Manor of Lathom, and divers Lands, in the County of Lancaster, of Richard Warcing, Bryan Fairfax, and Thomas Ashburst, Esquires, and their Heirs, subject to the Trusts to which the same are now liable, and discharged of a certain Clause in Letters Patent of King Charles the First, for re-conveying the Reversion in Fee to the Crown.
An Act for the Sale of the Manor of Radwell, and other the Estate of Robert Bell Esquire, and Richard Bell his Son, in Radwell and Norton, in the County of Hertford; and for purchasing other Lands, to be settled to the same Uses.
An Act for Sale of the Estate late of Richard Gwyn Gentleman, in the County of Brecon, for Payment of Debts; and for the settling of an Estate, in the County of Carmarthen, to certain Purposes therein mentioned.
An Act for Sale of Part of the Estate of Edward Nedham Gentleman, in the County of Leicester, for Payment of Debts charged thereupon; and for other Purposes therein mentioned.
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