A zookeeper was able to stop a tiger from killing him by stuffing his fist in its mouth, triggering the tiger's sensitive gag reflex and causing it to retreat.
The security camera footage shows the entrance to the New York Public Library, rather than the zoo in which the story was supposedly held. The "victim" was also a Hollywood animal trainer and the tiger was from the movie Gladiator.
There aren't any native species of Drywood termites in Montana. There has never been any reported case of home fires being started by termites. The "Termite wood dust" they used in their fire demonstration was actually Lycopodium powder. The home explosions shown in the piece were Stock footage found in the Discovery Channel's video library. Penn stated that the research team could find no reason why it could not happen, there were just no documented cases of it actually happening.
The tattoo of a Chinese glyph (假) translates as "not real" or "false".[10] Electromagnetic paddle was actually half a defibrillator. While showing the "high tech" equipment in the lab, they included a shot of a microwave oven. The list of names in the typo-ridden scientific study included silly names such as "Hellen O.F. Troy" (Helen of Troy) and "Mel B. Rooks" (Mel Brooks), and fictional characters like "Carlton S. Banks, Bel Air".