The Japanese anime television series Kaiji: Ultimate Survivor is based on the first part, Gambling Apocalypse: Kaiji, of the manga series Kaiji, written and illustrated by Nobuyuki Fukumoto. The series was broadcast on Nippon TV from October 3, 2007, to April 2, 2008.[1][a]
A second season, titled Kaiji: Against All Rules and based on the second part of the manga, Tobaku Hakairoku Kaiji, was announced by Weekly Young Magazine in 2011.[3] It was broadcast on Nippon TV from April 6 to September 28, 2011.[4][b]
In the United States, Kaiji: Ultimate Survivor was streamed on the Joost service in December 2008.[6] In July 2013, Crunchyroll announced the streaming rights to both seasons.[7] In November 2020, Sentai Filmworks announced that they have licensed both seasons of the series for streaming on select digital outlets and home video release.[8][9][10] Both season were released in Japanese with English subtitles on Blu-ray Disc on April 20, 2021.[11][12]