Listed below are some Hebrewprayers and blessings that are part of Judaism that are recited by many Jews. Most prayers and blessings can be found in the Siddur, or prayer book. This article addresses Jewish liturgical blessings, which generally begin with the formula:
Transliteration: Barukh ata Adonai Eloheinu, melekh ha'olam...
Translation: "Blessed are You, LORD our God, King of the universe..."
In the transliterations below, ' is used to refer to the sh'vah, which is similar/equivalent to ə; a mid-word aleph, a glottal stop; and a mid-word ayin, a voiced pharyngeal fricative ʕ similar/equivalent to Arabic ع. Whenever ` is used, it refers to ayin whether word-initial, medial, or final. 'H/h' are used to represent both he, an English h sound as in "hat"; and ḥes, a voiceless pharyngeal fricative ħ equivalent to Arabic ح. Whenever 'ḥ' is used, it refers to ḥet. Resh is represented by an 'r,' though it's equivalent to Spanish 'r,' Spanish 'rr,' or French 'r,' depending on one's dialect. In all other regards, transliterations are according to the modern Hebrew pronunciation, based on the Sephardi tradition.
Modeh Ani is a short prayer recited first thing after waking in the morning. Thanking God for all he does.
Elohai Neshamah
אלהי נשמה
Thanking God for restoring the soul in the morning. Said following washing the hands and Asher Yatzar blessings.
Blessings over the Torah
ברכות התורה
Thanking God for giving us the Torah and a blessing on the Torah that will be learned over the course of the day. Followed by some short passages from Torah and the Mishnah (in some customs, followed immediate by Seder Korbanot, which is also a selection of Torah passages).
Morning blessings
ברכות השחר
Blessings thanking God for most of the basic functions of our lives (sight, clothes, movement etc.)
Seder Korbanot
סדר הקרבנות
Recounting the order of the day in the Temple service. Includes the description of the daily sacrifice from the Book of Numbers and chapter 5 of Zevachim that contains a list of all the types of sacrifices that were given.
13 midot of Rabi Yishmael
ברייתא דרבי ישמעאל
A passage of learning from the Oral Law. It is a list of the 13 principles that Rabi Yishmael would use to interpret the Torah.
Psalm 30. Recited in the Eastern Ashkenazic rite at the beginning of Pesukei Dezimra. In the Western Ashkenazic rite, as well as according to the custom of the Vilna Gaon, it is not recited in Pesukei D'Zimra at all.
Recited three times daily: during Pesukei Dezimra, preceding Uva Letzion, and at the beginning of Mincha (in the Ashkenazic rite, it is recited instead in Ne'ila on Yom Kippur)
The Shema prayers is said every day in Shacharit and Maariv. There are always two blessings before the Shema, but after the Shema in the day there is only one blessing, and at night there are two (or three in some communities).
The third blessing recited following the Shema during Maariv. This blessing is only said by some communities, mostly outside of Israel. It is omitted in the vast majority of communities in Israel, and it is not said today by anyone on Shabbat or Yom Tov, although historically it was said in some communities on the Sabbath.
The "standing [prayer]", also known as the Shemoneh Esreh ("The Eighteen"), consisting of 19 strophes on weekdays and seven on Sabbath days and 9 on Rosh haShana Mussaf. It is the essential component of Jewish services, and is the only service that the Talmud calls prayer. It is said three times a day (four times on Sabbaths and holidays, and five times on Yom Kippur).
The source for the Amida is either as a parallel to the sacrifices in the Temple, or in honor of the Jewish forefathers.
The prayer is divided into three sections: blessings of praise for God, requests for our needs (or exalting the holiness of the day for Shabbat and Yom Tov) and finally blessings of thanksgiving.
First blessing of the Amidah, and describes God's choosing of the Jewish patriarchs, and God's protection of them. Many non-Orthodox communities include the matriarchs in this blessing and therefore give it the name Avot v'imahot, meaning "fathers and mothers".
Second blessing of the Amidah, describing God's might and God's mastery over the natural world.
Kedushat Hashem
קדושת השם
Third blessing of the Amidah, affirming the holiness of God. During the repetition of the Amida the Kedushah is added.
Middle blessings
On a regular weekday there are 13 blessings that ask God for our needs. A small number of rabbis, such as David Bar-Hayim based on fragments from the Cairo Geniza, say only 12 blessings here.
On fast days in the times of the Talmud there were a number of additional blessings, and in communities today a 14th blessing is added to the Chazzan's repetition on fast days.
Asking for wisdom and understanding.
Asking God to help us return to the Torah way of life.
Asking for God's forgiveness.
Asking for God to rescue the Jewish people from our travails. On fast days during the repetition of the Amida, Aneinu is said here.
Asking for good health.
Birkat Hashanim
ברכת השנים
Asking for a blessing for the produce of the earth. We also ask for the rain needed to sustain life. Broadly also asking for income. During times of drought a special prayer for rain is added here.
Kibutz Galuyot
קבוץ גלויות
Asking God to bring the Jews back from the Exile into Israel.
Asking God to judge us justly and to restore the judges to Israel.
Asking to destroy the heretical sects and informers. This blessing was a later addition to the Amida, and is the 19 blessing.
Asking God to help and support righteous people.
Boneh Yerushalayim
בונה ירושלים
Asking to have Jerusalem rebuilt and returned to its former glory. On Tisha B'av the Nachem prayer is added here.
Malchut bet David
מלכות בית דוד
Asking for the monarchy to be reinstated and for David's descendants to become the kings. In the Palestinian tradition, this blessing was merged with the previous one to maintain 18 blessings.
Shome'a tefilla
שומע תפילה
Asking God to answer our prayers. Any additional requests can be added in this blessing. On fast days Aneinu is added here in the silent prayer.
On Shabbat and Yom Tov there is only a single blessing.
Kedushat hayom
קדושת היום
Describing the holiness of the particular day. In Mussaf it also describes the sacrifice that was brought in the Temple on that day.
During Mussaf of Rosh HaShana there are three blessings in the middle, each built around 10 verses from the Tanach around a particular theme.
Kedushat ha-yom/Malchuyot
קדושת היום/מלכויות
Describing the holiness of the particular day, and the sacrifice that was brought in the Temple on that day. It is expanded to include a description of how God was made king of the world on this day.
Mentioning the times that God has promised to remember the people of Israel.
Describing various times and occasions that the Shofar was blown.
Thanking God for the Temple service and for accepting our prayers.
General thanksgiving. As the Chazan says this prayer in the repetition, the congregation reads a paragraph of thanksgiving silently.
Thanking God for bringing peace into the world. When the Priestly Blessing is said it is added here.
The "Priestly Blessing", recited by the Kohanim every day in Israel before the blessing for peace in Shacharit (and Mussaf on days with Mussaf). Outside of Israel, Ashkenazim and some Sephardim recite it only on Yom Tov, while other Sephardim recite it on Shabbat and Yom Tov or every day. Even in places where they do not recite it, the chazzan recites a mini version commemorating its recitation ('Eloheinu ve-Elohei avoteinu barkheinu ...') at any time when it could be recited (Shacharit, Mussaf, and on fast days at Mincha).
A lyrical prayer recited at the end of services, praising God's uniqueness. Some traditions say it only on Shabbat and festivals, while others say it every day
The Aleinu praises God for allowing the Jewish people to serve him, and expresses their hope that the whole world will recognize God and abandon idolatry.
An Aramaic prayer which focuses on the idea of magnification and sanctification of God's name. There are five versions of kaddish for different purposes.
Half kaddish
חצי קדיש
A short version of kaddish to mark the end of a section of prayers.
Full kaddish
קדיש שלם
A longer version of kaddish to mark the end one of the major prayers, and is said after the amida.
Kaddish yatom
קדיש יתום
A version said by mourners in the 11 months following the death of a parent.
Kaddish d'rabanan
קדיש דרבנן
Said following study of the Oral Law.
Kaddish ha'gadol
קדיש הגדול
Said at a siyum for learning a tractate of Talmud or at the funeral of a parent.
More formally known as "The Song of Glory", this song is sung in many Ashkenazic communities at the end of morning prayers on Shabbat. It is also recited following Maariv on Yom Kippur.
A prayer of reverence for the synagogue, recited in the morning upon entering. In the Western Ashkenazic rite, it is also sometimes recited at the beginning of Maariv on Festivals.
A prayer recited in the synagogue at the beginning of the evening service on Yom Kippur (יום כיפור), the Day of Atonement. It is a declaration of absolution from vows taken, to free the congregants from guilt due to unfulfilled vows during the previous (and/or coming) year.
Barukh ata Adonai Eloheinu, melekh ha'olam, asher kideshanu be'mitzvotav ve'ratza banu, ve'shabbat kodsho be'ahava u've'ratzon hinchilanu, zikaron le'ma'ase vereshit. Ki hu yom techila le'mik'raei kodesh, zecher li'yziat mitzrayim. Ki vanu vacharta ve'otanu kidashta mi'kol ha'amim, ve'shabbat kodshecha be'ahava u've'ratzon hinchaltanu. Barukh ata Adonai mekadesh ha'shabbat.
Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the Universe, Who sanctified us with His commandments, and hoped for us, and with love and intent invested us with His sacred Sabbath, as a memorial to the deed of Creation. It is the first among the holy festivals, commemorating the exodus from Egypt. For You chose us, and sanctified us, out of all nations, and with love and intent You invested us with Your Holy Sabbath. Blessed are You, Adonai, Sanctifier of the Sabbath.
Barukh ata Adonai Eloheinu, melekh ha'olam, ha'mavdil bein kodesh l'hol, bein or l'hoshekh, bein yisra'el la'amim, bein yom ha'sh'vi'i l'sheshet y'mei ha'ma'a'se. Barukh ata Adonai, ha'mavdil bein kodesh l'hol.
Blessed are You, LORD our God, King of the universe, Who distinguishes between the sacred and the secular, between light and dark, between Israel and the nations, between the seventh day and the six days of labor. Blessed are You, LORD, Who distinguishes between the sacred and the secular.
Holiday blessings
When any of these blessings are done for the first time that year, the blessing of she'he'cheyanu is said.
Blessed are You, LORD our God, King of the universe, Who has sanctified us with His commandments, and commanded us regarding the commandment of fringes.
Blessed are You, LORD our God, King of the universe, Who has sanctified us with His commandments and has commanded us to put on tefillin.
Putting on the head tefillin (Ashkenazim and some Italians only)
בָּרוּךְ אַתָּה יהוה אֱלֹהֵינוּּ מֶלֶךְ הָעוֹלָם, אֲשֶׁר קִדְּשָׁנוּ בְּמִצְוֹתָיו וְצִוָּנוּ עַל מִצְוַת תְּפִלִּין. It is customary to add after the Tefillin are on properly: בָּרוּךְ שֵׁם כְּבוֹד מַלְכוּתוֹ לְעוֹלָם וָעֶד.
Barukh ata Adonai Eloheinu, melekh ha'olam, asher kid'shanu b'mitzvotav v'tzivanu al mitzvat t'filin It is customary to add after the Tefillin are on properly: Barukh shem k'vod malkhuto l'olam va'ed
Blessed are You, LORD our God, King of the universe, Who has sanctified us with His commandments and has commanded us regarding the commandment of tefillin. It is customary to add after the Tefillin are on properly: Blessed is the Name of His glorious kingdom for ever and ever.
Barukh ata Adonai Eloheinu, melekh ha'olam, asher kid'shanu b'mitzvotav v'tzivanu al t'vilat kelim.
Blessed are You, LORD our God, King of the universe, Who has sanctified us with His commandments and commanded us concerning the immersion of vessels.
Blessings on pleasures, sights and sounds
Blessings during a meal
N'tilat Yadayim (Ritual washing of hands)
The hands are ritually washed before partaking of certain staples of life. This is done before eating bread. In some Ashkenazic (especially German or Hungarian communities) at the Sabbath or festive meal, it is done before kiddush.
In most communities, the blessing is recited after washing but before drying the hands. Some recite the blessing after filling up the washing cup, right before pouring the water on the hands.
Blessed are You, LORD our God, King of the universe, Who has sanctified us with His commandments and commanded us concerning the taking (drying) of hands.
Barukh ata Adonai Eloheinu, melekh ha'olam, she'lo chisar b'olamo klum u'vara vo beri'ot tovot ve'ilanot tovim le'hanot bahem benei adam
Blessed are You, LORD our God, King of the universe, Who left out nothing in His world and created pleasant creations and good trees so that people can derive benefit from them.
Seeing people or creatures who are very special/unique in their appearance
Our God and God of our fathers, may there ascend, come, and reach, appear, be desired, and heard, counted and recalled our remembrance and reckoning; the remembrance of our fathers; the remembrance of the Messiah the son of David, Your servant; the remembrance of Jerusalem, city of Your Sanctuary and the remembrance of Your entire people, the House of Israel, before You for survival, for well-being, for favor, kindliness, compassion, for life and peace on this day of the: Rosh Chodesh/Festival of Matzos/Festival of Sukkos. Remember us Adonoy, our God, on this day for well-being; be mindful of us on this day for blessing, and deliver us for life. In accord with the promise of deliverance and compassion, spare us and favor us, have compassion on us and deliver us; for our eyes are directed to You, because You are the Almighty Who is King, Gracious, and Merciful.
[We thank You] for the miracles, for the redemption, for the mighty deeds, for the deliverances and for the wars that You performed for our fathers in those days at this season.
In the days of Matisyahu, son of Yochanan the High Priest, the Hasmonean and his sons, when the evil Greek kingdom rose up against Your people Israel to make them forget Your Torah and to turn them away from the statutes of Your will— You, in Your abundant mercy, stood by them in their time of distress, You defended their cause, You judged their grievances, You avenged them. You delivered the mighty into the hands of the weak, many into the hands of the few, defiled people into the hands of the undefiled, the wicked into the hands of the righteous, and insolent [sinners] into the hands of diligent students of Your Torah. And You made Yourself a great and sanctified name in Your world. And for Your people, Israel, You performed a great deliverance and redemption unto this very day. Afterwards, Your sons entered the Holy of Holies of Your Abode, cleaned Your Temple, purified Your Sanctuary, and kindled lights in the Courtyards of Your Sanctuary, and designated these eight days of Chanukah to thank and praise Your great Name.
In the days of Mordechai and Esther in Shushan the Capital [of Persia], when the evil Haman rose up against them, he sought to destroy, to kill, and to annihilate all the Jews, young and old, infants and women, in one day, the thirteenth day of the twelfth month, which is the month of Adar, and to plunder their wealth— And You, in Your abundant mercy, annulled his counsel, frustrated his intention, and brought his evil plan upon his own head, and they hanged him and his sons upon the gallows. And You made a miracle and a wonder for them, and we are thankful to Your great name forever.
^However, the Halachic authorities rule that one who wears a Tallit should omit this blessing and have in mind to exempt both garments when reciting the blessing on the Tallit.
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