This is a list of episodes for British comedy drama web series Corner Shop Show. The series is created by Islah Abdur-Rahman and consists of continuous episodes uploaded on his YouTube channel CornerShopShow, following the adventures of a young man's transition to fill his father's shoes after becoming the custodian of a family business.[1] In August 2014, Episodes 1 and 2 were removed from YouTube but are available on Dailymotion[1] because Abdur-Rahman did not think they had the same production level as Episode 3 onwards.[2]
Season 1 (2014–2015)
Season 2 (2017-2019)
Spin-offs and specials
List of Corner Shop Express episodes
Season 1 (2015-2019)
Christmas and New Years 2016 special
Valentine's Day 2017 special
External links