Bastard!! Heavy Metal, Dark Fantasy is a Japanese original net animation (ONA) series based on Kazushi Hagiwara's manga series of the same name. The series, produced by Liden Films, was announced in February 2022. The 24-episode ONA is directed by Takaharu Ozaki, with scripts written by Yōsuke Kuroda, character designs by Sayaka Ono, and music composed by Yasuharu Takanashi. The first 13 episodes were released worldwide on Netflix on June 30, 2022, while the remaining 11 episodes were released on September 15 of the same year.[1][2][3] The opening theme is "Bloody Power Fame" by Coldrain, while the ending theme is "Blessless" by Tielle.[4][5] In Japan, the ONA series began a televised broadcast on BS11 on January 11, 2023.[6][a]
A second season was announced in January 2023.[8] It premiered on Netflix on July 31, 2023, and consists of 15 episodes. The opening theme is "New Dawn" by Coldrain, while the ending theme is "La Muse Perdue" by Tielle.[9] The second season start broadcast on BS11 and other networks on January 3, 2024;[b] the first three episodes aired as a 90-minute special.[10]