The cave vihare, drip-ledged caves, cave with Brahmi lettering, dagoba, row of steps, watapatha flower plant, stone slabs with royal figure and lamp holes
Ruins of mounds of dagoba, belonging to Mulagiri Aranya Senasana premises portion of the boundary walls rock engravings, and steps engraved on stone in the village
Stupa, the building known as the Buddhist image house, and other ruined buildings, two drip-ledged rock caves with inscriptions, rock inscriptions near Hatpottawewa, boundary wall, stupa and ruined buildings, bearing archaeological evidence with the rock cave in the place called Mahawela, drip ledges rock cave in the place called Yakuheve hela, a complex of drip-ledged caves with inscriptions in the place called Galkotte, ruined buildings in the place called Weheragoda watta surrounded by parapet wall in the Andagala Maligathenna, ruined buildings in the place called Andagala in place where there are ruined buildings, rock plain bearing archaeological evidence