Peter Hexamer is a retired electrical contractor in Brantford. He served on the Brant County council for four years before 1980, and in the 1980 municipal election he won election to the Brantford City Council in a temporary ward covering land annexed from the county.[1] He was re-elected to council in the 1982 election for the city's second ward. After running the House of Commons, he did not seek re-election in 1985.
After retiring as an electrical contractor, Hexamer started a manufacturing firm and has been credited with inventing a new, highly reliable form of bicycle lock.[2] He has also been active with the Brant Waterways Foundation.[3] He works for a company that installs wind farm, and he was profiled in 2010 for setting up a project in St. Kitts and Nevis.[4]
Lil Johnson was a service representative in 1984.[5] She acknowledged that she had little chance of winning and admitted that she had not thought out her position on many national issues.[6] When asked for her views on selling crown corporations, she asked her interviewer to define the term.[7] She received 5,447 votes (10.44%), finishing third against New Democratic Party incumbent Bill Blaikie.