Li Ting Lang is a Chinese prince studying at an American university. His classmates called him "Old Ting-a-Ling" and don't know that he is royalty. Li falls in love with wealthy Marion Halstead, who had been dating one of his college friends.[3]
LI and Marion announce their engagement, but Marion is socially ostracized, so Li releases her from her promise to him. He then considers suicide.[3] An emissary comes to America with instructions to force Li to return to China, so he drugs the prince, and Li wakes up on a ship bound for his homeland. His college friends believe the missing student killed himself.[1] Years later Marion marries the other man who had been courting her.[4]
During the Chinese revolution Li Tang Lang becomes a general of the revolutionary army.[4] Marion goes to China on her honeymoon, sees and recognizes Li. She goes to his home, but is followed by men who plan to murder her and blame her death on the general. Li Ting Lang defends Marion, and she leaves China with her husband.[1]