Stella and Magnea, two teenage girls meet at a party. They begin spending time together, experimenting with tobacco, alcohol, and drugs. Magnea eventually drops out of school and distances herself from her former friends. The story follows the two girls as they grow up, experience addiction, drug trafficking, prostitution, and stints in prison.
Let Me Fall was received positively by most critics, with The Hollywood Reporter's Stephen Dalton saying that "framing the plot in female-driven coming-of-age terms, with a tortured same-sex romance at its heart... gives this story a fresher angle than most drug movies."[citation needed] Andrew Parker of The Gate said the film "eschews cheap clichés surrounding drug dependency in favour of a more delicately crafted, time shifting character study."[citation needed]
For The Canadian Press, David Friend said the film "doesn't blink in showing how drugs can destroy lives, and its heartbreaking moments come when it shows how powerless the people around an addict can feel."[3]
^"Let Me Fall". Cineuropa. Archived from the original on 3 September 2018. Retrieved 3 September 2018.