Leoni Leo (subtitled The Life of an Armenian Adventurer) is a 1917 Hungarian adventure film directed by Alfréd Deésy. The Jozsef Pakots screenplay was adapted from the original novel by George Sand called Leone Leoni. The sets were designed by Sironthai Istvan.[1]
Lugosi plays the noble bandit Baron Leoni Leo, who leads a group of roguish gentlemen known as "the Ten". He tricks Juliette, whose father is the richest jeweler in Brussels, into thinking he is in love with her, but he is really just after her for her money.[2]
Norbert Dán
Béla Lugosi as Leoni Leo (credited as Arisztid Olt)
^Bela Lugosi: Dreams and Nightmares by Gary D. Rhodes, with Richard Sheffield, (2007) Collectables/Alpha Video Publishers, ISBN 0-9773798-1-7 (hardcover)