The story follows Malcolm Gray (Elba) taking sanctuary in a Brooklyn motel room as his mind slowly unravels. He deals with the repercussions over his past and the rise of his brother Darnell (Walker), a ruthless senator, bent on getting into the White House. It becomes clear that all may not be as it seems.
Director Thomas Ikimi stated at the premiere that, unable to find funding for the film in the UK, he went to Nigeria and was given funding based purely on the fact that he was a Nigerian director rather than on the script itself. He also apologized to the crew for his bad mood throughout filming due to the tightness of the budget and timetable.
The film was completed on the morning of the premiere (28 February 2010), and filmed entirely in Scotland despite being set in Brooklyn.
Xan Brooks of The Guardian gave the film two out of five stars, saying "it feels like a one-act play that dreamed it was a first-person shooter game."[1]