Le maître du jeu ("The Master of Games") is a French-language Canadian comedy panel game show, first broadcast on Noovo in 2022. Based on the Taskmaster format created by comedian Alex Horne, it features a group of five comedians attempting to complete a series of challenges, judged by the maître du jeu (the taskmaster), Louis Morissette, with the help of his assistant, Antoine Vézina. It is the second Taskmaster adaptation in the Americas, after the U.S. version. One difference from the original is that there are no tiebreaker tasks, so participants tied for first place all win the episode, and share the prize pot.
The show is produced by KOTV, Morissette's production company,[2] in collaboration with Bell Media.[1] It is distributed by Avalon TV.[3] The first season was broadcast in fall 2022, while the second was broadcast in fall 2023. A third season began broadcasting in fall 2024.
Contestants here are ordered by their surnames, rather than their seat placement (as done in other versions), as their seating order varies by episode.