Ravi (Mohan) and Philomena (Ilavarasi), two orphans from different backgrounds, meet on a bus journey to Chennai. Ravi, despite holding a diploma, struggles to find employment in the city and becomes a rickshaw driver, while Philomena, a Catholic nurse, flees from her foster father after discovering his involvement in fraudulent activities.
The two form a bond, but their lives take a difficult turn as they face homelessness, poverty, and a series of personal challenges. Philomena, feeling like a burden, leaves Ravi temporarily to give him a chance to improve his situation. Meanwhile, Ravi stumbles upon a large sum of money and uses it to secure a job as a forest supervisor, unaware that the money belongs to Rukumani's (Revathi) father, Manikkum (Delhi Ganesh), who lost it during a bus ride.
Rukumani, who works for Ravi as a maid, develops feelings for him, but she is also pursued by Sekhar (Chandrasekhar), a wealthy man who gives up everything to be with her. As tensions rise, Ravi discovers the truth about the money and feels guilty for inadvertently causing Rukumani and her father's misfortunes. He contemplates marrying Rukumani to make amends, but his heart remains on Philomena.
Rukumani chooses to marry Sekhar, and Ravi is reunited with Philomena, leading to a happy conclusion for both couples.