Set after General Kai's defeat, the series follows the Dragon Warrior Po the panda on a fresh adventure featuring four panda kids (Nu Hai, Jing, Bao, and Fan Tong); who happen upon a mystical cave beneath the Panda Village. The panda kids accidentally absorb the chi of ancient and powerful Kung Fu warriors known as the four constellations; Blue Dragon, Black Tortoise, White Tiger and Red Phoenix – each of which somehow are with the panda who is lacking that particular quality. They realize they are now destined to save the world from an evil force (Jindiao); who wishes to take over the world and steal the chi of the four constellations, landing Po with his biggest challenge yet – teaching this ragtag band of kids how to wield their new-found Kung Fu powers. They also defend the Forbidden City against an evil Komodo dragon named Shi Long along with an ancient evil demon.
Mick Wingert as Po[4] / Black Tortoise / Male Panda No. 1 / Yak Bandit Leader / Dim / Yak Bouncer No. 2 / Chow Guard No. 4 Gongmen City Police Wolf No. 1
Piotr Michael as Oogway / Wong / Wing / Bingwen / Emperor Kang Zi / Dum Dum / Pika Mobster / Chow Guard No. 1 / Salamander Henchman No. 1 Lead Chow Guard
Christopher Swindle as Li Shan / Zang / Sum / Ping / Chow Guard No. 3 / Yak Brawler / Gongmen City Police Wolf No. 2 / Imperial Guard No. 1
Sumalee Montano as Shi Long / Young Shi Long / Rabbit Villager / Rabbit Servant / Assassin / Rabbit Citizen
Elisa Gabrielli as Baigujing / White Bone Demon / Dark Shadow / Old Lady Tahr / Porcupine Assassin
Jimmie Wood as Qilin / Chow Guard No. 2
Betsy Sodaro as Makesi / Mole Rat No. 1 / Mole Rat No. 2 / Pika Kid
Series overview
Originally released
November 16, 2018 (2018-11-16)
July 4, 2019 (2019-07-04)
Part 1 (2018)
Directed by
Written by
Storyboarded by
Original air date
"Enter the Dragon Master"
Lane Lueras
Elliott Owen
Alice Herring & Lane Lueras
November 16, 2018 (2018-11-16)
Set some time after General Kai's defeat, panda children Nu-Hai, Jing, Bao, and Fan-Tong are in trouble for knocking over the Sacred Peach Statue that was to be blessed by Po, now the Dragon Master, at the annual Peach Blossom Festival. Determined to make it up to the villagers, Nu-Hai sets the group to the task of returning the statue. As they try to push it onto the lift, the statue rolls down and falls into a cave along with the kids. Nu-Hai recognizes the cave as the Temple of The Four Constellations. They find four pedestals, each with a giant statue. When Bao touches one to annoy Nu-Hai, chi radiates from the and enters the pandas. As the four run out of the cave screaming, they are watched by an unnamed Chinese water deer. The four shut themselves in Nu-Hai and Bao's room, the former freaking out over what just happened. Meanwhile, the water deer reports to another deer named Jade Tusk that she was beaten to the Temple of the Four Constellations by the pandas. The deers' master orders Jade Tusk to kill the monk. At Jade Tusk's urging, her master allows her to get the children. In the next scene, we see the four in the library asking Grandma who the Four Constellations were. Grandma explains that a thousand years ago, the Four Constellations were guardians of a sacred wellspring, but a dark chi master wanted its power for himself. The Four Constellations stopped him, and to protect the Chi Wellspring from those with evil ambitions, they hid it in the last place anyone would look, hoping their successors would continue their legacy. The Four run towards Po, trying to explain what happened at the Temple and asking to be taught kung-fu. Po declines, but when the kids keep pressuring him, he tries to run, only to be hit by a door and faint. Po awakes to see the spirit of his late Master Oogway, who tells him the universe has chosen him to teach the Four and they will die if he doesn't. We see Nu-Hai, Jing, Bao, and Fan-Tong running through the night hoping to reach Po and change his mind, but they're captured by the Poison Clan. Jade Tusk attempts to force the kids to open the Temple, but Po arrives to save them. Po bangs his head, leaving him vulnerable, when a chi blast erupts from the four panda kids. Now believing them, Po agrees to teach them kung fu.
"Blue Dragon Plays with Fire"
Lane Lueras
Elliott Owen
Annie Li & Byron Penaranda
November 16, 2018 (2018-11-16)
Po goes around to wake up his new students for their first day of study, only to find them all rather high-strung. He then shows them where he intends to train them: a run-down building at the top of a long set of stairs. Po explains that they, like him, have been imbued with Hero's Chi, which typically only comes to one hero in a generation. He goes over the character of each member of the Four Constellations, only to find that the kids have personalities that are the direct opposite of those they have inherited. Meanwhile, at the Most Auspicious Temple of the Heavenward Plumblossom Serene Moonbeam, the bearded vulture Jindiao is giving a lecture on the original Dragon Warrior and how he was sustained by Chi. The seemingly decrepit master mentions that his own life and vitality is sustained by Chi, but is shocked to see Jade Tusk. He rebukes her, but then learns that she has the whereabouts of Pious Chan. He decides to visit their "old friend" himself, though not before the two discuss their boisterous subordinate Huifang. Upon returning to his training hall, Po finds that the kids have cleaned the place up and decides to see what abilities they already possess. Their efforts are less than stellar, but Po is encouraging and informs them of his intent to research the constellations more thoroughly. Elsewhere, Jade Tusk and her underlings attack the wise old tahr Pious Chan, but the battle is broken off by the appearance of Jindiao. Believing the elderly abbot to be a friend, Chan offers his help, only for Jindiao to steal his Chi. Back at Panda Village, the kids get out of school, with Nu Hai asserting herself as the group's leader despite the others' objections. A duck messenger then arrives seeking help for Wu-Ran Village, and the kids go to defend it without Po's help. Po, meanwhile, locates a scroll about the origins of the Constellations, only to learn what the kids have done. At the village, Nu Hai leads the others in attacking the bandits, but their Hero Chi fails to materialize. As the four are menaced by the bandits, Blue Dragon's Chi manifests to Nu Hai, prompting her to lead them in evading the villains, but only she escapes. As the others are subdued, Nu-Hai panics as she struggles to determine what to do. The voice of Blue Dragon urges her to relax; she obeys, which lets her unlock her power and strike down one of the bandits. Po then arrives to back up his students, handily defeating the remaining enemies. Nu Hai admits that it was her own recklessness that led her team into trouble, and Po commends her honesty. He then reveals that the original Four Constellations were farmers and shopkeepers; as such, his students should not be discouraged by their own humble origins. Meanwhile, Jindiao has gained renewed youth by draining Pious Chan's Chi.
Tom Galvin, Annie Jingyi Li, Candice Prince & Victor Sampaio
November 16, 2018 (2018-11-16)
"Unholy Dragon Returns to the Mountains"
Mike Mullen
Johanna Stein
Crystal Kan, & Annie Jingyi Li & Daniel Villa de Rey
November 16, 2018 (2018-11-16)
"Sacrifice at the Edge of Time"
Rhianna Williams
Mitch Watson
Emma Hoffard, Annie Jingyi Li, Kevin Slawinski & Mike Tisserand
November 16, 2018 (2018-11-16)
"End of the Dragon Master"
James Wootton
Elliott Owen
Tom Galvin, Annie Jingyi Li, Candice Prince & Victor Sampaio
November 16, 2018 (2018-11-16)
Part 2 (2019)
Directed by
Written by
Storyboarded by
Original air date
"Journey to the East"
Mike Mullen
Benjamin Lapides
Crystal Kan, Annie Jingyi Li & Daniel Villa de Rey
July 4, 2019 (2019-07-04)
"Curse of the Monkey King"
Rhianna Williams
Johanna Stein
Bradley Cayford, Emma Hoffard, Annie Jingyi Li & Kevin Slawinski
July 4, 2019 (2019-07-04)
"A Game of Fists"
Lane Lueras
Lindsay Kerns
Tom Galvin, Annie Jingyi Li, Candice Prince & Victor Sampaio
July 4, 2019 (2019-07-04)
"The Beast of the Wasteland"
Mike Mullen
Nicole Belisle
Chris Jimenez, Crystal Kan, Annie Jingyi Li & Daniel Villa de Rey
July 4, 2019 (2019-07-04)
"Danger in the Forbidden City"
Rhianna Williams
Mitch Watson
Bradley Cayford, Emma Hoffard, Annie Jingyi Li & Kevin Slawinski
July 4, 2019 (2019-07-04)
"The Battle(s) of Gongmen Bay"
Lane Lueras
Elliott Owen
Matt Engstrom, George Gipson, Zheng Kang, Annie Jingyi Li & Luther McLaurin
July 4, 2019 (2019-07-04)
"Gongmen City Hustle"
Mike Mullen
Benjamin Lapides
Chris Jimenez, Crystal Kan, Annie Jingyi Li & Daniel Villa de Rey
July 4, 2019 (2019-07-04)
"Night of the White Bone Demon"
Rhianna Williams
Johanna Stein
Bradley Cayford, Emma Hoffard, Chris Jimenez, Annie Jingyi Li & Kevin Slawinski
July 4, 2019 (2019-07-04)
"Rise of the Empress"
Tom Galvin
Lindsay Kerns
Gena Buto, Annie Jingyi Li & Victor Sampaio
July 4, 2019 (2019-07-04)
"Bridge Over Troubled Lava"
Mike Mullen
Nicole Belisle
Chris Jimenez, Crystal Kan, Annie Jingyi Li & Daniel Villa de Rey
July 4, 2019 (2019-07-04)
"House of Flying Pandas"
Rhianna Williams
Bethany Armstrong Johnson
Bradley Cayford, Emma Hoffard, Annie Jingyi Li & Kevin Slawinski
July 4, 2019 (2019-07-04)
"Coronation of the Iron Goddess"
Tom Galvin
Mitch Watson
Gena Buto, Annie Jingyi Li & Victor Sampaio
July 4, 2019 (2019-07-04)
"The Invincible Armor"
Mike Mullen
Elliott Owen
Chris Jimenez, Crystal Kan, Annie Jingyi Li & Daniel Villa de Rey
July 4, 2019 (2019-07-04)
The White Bone Demon ate Shi Long and then attacked causing Rooster and his henchmen Wing and Wong to flee. The White Bone Demon was about to squish the group but was saved by a giant Sun Wukong. Nu Hai puts on the crown to control him, and throws the White Bone Demon out of Empress Xiao's kingdom. The gang rides on a giant Sun Wukong to the desert, and find the White Bone Demon and her army of terracotta warriors there. Sun Wukong and the demon have a little fight with each other. When the monkey tries to smash the red jade, he starts shrinking due to him loving red jade. The White Bone Demon says goodbye before flicking the monkey king away and tells Po that he and his students are a legend and will kill them. Suddenly, she starts sinking into the sand. Rooster and his henchmen come out of a pile of rocks and he claims that he proved his "incredible intellect." It is then revealed that Makesi and her friends caused the White Bone Demon to sink, and they, alongside Qilin and the Poison Clan defeat the terracotta warriors. Rooster hops off his henchmen's hands and shows he has changed before getting attacked by a terracotta warriors. The group does all they can to stop the demon but are overpowered by the warrior. Bao hits the demon with his Black Tortoise chi, but the demon flicks him away, much to his annoyance. Fan Tong uses his Red Phoenix chi to throw Xiao close to the demon. Xiao uses her jade chain to break the demon's red jade heart causing a chain reaction which destroys her and the warriors. The panda kids help each other out of the wreckage. Xiao thanks Fan Tong for helping her protect her kingdom with Bao making a "good job" look, while Po, Sun Wukong, and Rooster fight over the crown. Po gives the crown back to the monkey and he makes a joke by telling him the followers just send him where he's sent, which annoys Po. Xiao finds Shi Long who was lucky to survive and tells the lizard they will fix her, which she says, "I don’t deserve to be fixed." But Xiao still lets Shi Long get healed since she's her sister. Jing comes over to help but Rooster blocks her and tries to convince her not to heal Shi Long because of her actions and tomfoolery. But Jing tells Rooster that healing people is "what she does" and kicks him away. She then uses her chi to heal Shi Long and Shi Long is now fixed. Xiao forgives Shi Long, but still takes her to jail. Grandma Panda and the refugees came out of the wreckage and all went home, unaware that a female bat (who is the actual White Bone Demon) is emerging out of the body grinning evilly before disappearing into the body. The gang suddenly realize that the red jade was about to explode just as Sun Wukong flees and the jade explodes, giving chi to everyone around China and restoring the Wellspring. The Wellspring was then restored and Rooster decided to retire from being a criminal. He, Wing and Wong then noticed a cart full of corn and they went to eat it. Meanwhile, Xiao is made empress and Jade Tusk and the Poison Clan are her new servants while Shi Long was placed in the same cage Xiao was in. Meanwhile, the Panda Village congratulates the Four Constellations and Po, who says that there are still moreadventures out there.