The film begins with a trio of wayward husbands, Ravi, Rambabu, & Jambulingam, who work as mechanics. They are truly friendly and share the same compound with their respective wives, Geeta, Janaki, & Subbalakshmi. The trio is conducting profligacy and borrowing loans beyond their means, which endure the financial agony of the wives.
Meanwhile, Baby / Bala Tripura Sundari, a worker lady, steps in as a neighbor with her high-minded husband, Master. The trio discards them since their foolproof plan makes wives earn a living for families. Thus, they request Baby for a post in her company, which the trio denies because they deem the wives to be minors. Following this, their company owner rescinds the yearly pay bonus, for which the trio voices over him, leading to their dismissal.
Next, on Jembulingam’s advice, the 3 walk to his best friend, Appala Raju, a well-off in Bangalore, forging official training with the wives. Indeed, he is a drug dealer, so they are battered & bruised by police. Besides, the wives know about their husbands’ debts at Peon Bezawada and are sacked from their jobs. Hence, they labored with Baby’s aid to escape financial catastrophe. Being conscious of it, the husbands are infuriated, leading to biases. After controversies, the trio expels the wives when Master & Baby shelter them.
Parallelly, Ravi's daughter is down with a heart defect and is immediately operated on. Then, melancholy wives are bolstered by their colleagues, accumulating the amount with extra hours. With no help, the trio proceeds to Appala Raju, who makes a deal. According to it, they smuggled Ganja, but the police seized them. At last, the 3 repent of their follies when the Master acquits them. Finally, the movie ends happily, with the liable husbands supporting the wives in accepting a job to lead hog heaven.
Kshemamga Velli Labhamga Randi was released on 4 February 2000.[2]Sify said the film "is far superior to the original".[3] Jeevi of said, "In a way, this film is very good one if you prefer watching a pure comedy. But if you prefer a story oriented film, this film might fail deliver the goods! But for Brahmanandam and Kovai Sarala this film stands as another feather in their cap".[4]Andhra Today wrote "In these days of inflation when dual incomes are required to meet the expenses of the family, the story is neither strong nor does it offer much novelty. The scenes peppered with good deal of humor sails very smoothly. The deft handling by the director is impressive."[5] The success of the film prompted editor-producer Mohan to continue to invest in other film projects. With the financial gain from Kshemamga Velli Labhamga Randi, he launched a film with his son Mohan Raja as director.[6]