The film stars Lal, Bharath, Ajmal Ameer, Baiju, Krrish, Devan, Sneha Ajith, Maala Parvathi and Lekha Prajapathi in lead roles. The screenplay for the film is written by Sreekumar Aroorkutti. The film's score is composed by Gopi Sundar. The film was released on 10 December 2021, and received mostly-negative reviews.[2]
Four film school students as part of their project goes for location hunting . There they meet a person with a weird personality & attitude, an academic in parapsychology. The students gets into the world of Ouija board and an entity through this man.
The shoot of the film took place in 2019 in places like Kuttikanam and Peermade. The film was completed and ready for release by January 2020, but the release was delayed owing to the pandemic.[3]
The film was released on 10 December 2021. A critic from Malayala Manorama gave the film a negative review.[4] A reviewer from JSNewsTimes wrote "many attempts to intimidate lead to laughter in the theater", and gave the film a negative review.[5] A critic from Samayam also gave the film a negative review, while a critic from Lens Men Review noted "Kshanam is a movie about a group of people who went to a hill station to make a diploma film. And the funny side is that this one looks shoddier than a diploma film."[6][7]