Knowledge Fight is a podcast dedicated to analyzing and critiquing episodes of Alex Jones's InfoWars shows. The podcast was created in January 2017. It is hosted by the former stand-up comedians Dan Friesen and Jordan Holmes, both of whom live in Chicago, Illinois.[1][2] As of September 15, 2024, a total of 964 episodes of the podcast have been released. In each episode, Friesen plays clips of noteworthy moments from one of Jones's shows, which are followed by Holmes' reactions.[3][4] The majority of episodes relate to modern day Alex Jones, but the podcast has gone as far back as the late 1990s in its coverage.[5]
Along with Jones, Friesen and Holmes occasionally cover other conspiracy figures they consider to be relevant to their main subject on their 'Wacky Wednesday' episodes.[10] 1990s radio conspiracy theorist Bill Cooper[11][12] and current new-age alien conspiracist 'sweary' Kerry Cassidy are recurrent subjects.[13]
The podcast has covered two of Jones's movies, The Obama Deception,[14] and Endgame: Road to Tyranny,[15] in detailed miniseries. A less formal series of episodes focus on Tucker Carlson's shows on Twitter/X,[16] including his interview with Russian president Vladimir Putin.[17] The legal depositions in Jones's multiple court cases also have extensive coverage. In 2023, Friesen started a Substack newsletter called The Stackies as a place to write longer articles relating to the podcast's topics.[18]
The podcast series has been used by lawyers researching Alex Jones in relation to his various Sandy Hook lawsuits. Friesen has been called upon as an expert in Alex Jones and his shows by plaintiffs' lead counsel in Texas, Mark Bankston, because of the podcast series.[19] Bankston has appeared as a guest on Knowledge Fight multiple times.[20][21]