Klaarkamp Abbey (Dutch: Klooster Klaarkamp; Latin: Monasterium beatae Mariae de Claro Campo) was a Cistercian monastery in the community of Dantumadeel, about 4 kilometres southwest of Dokkum and 2 kilometres north of Rinsumageast in the Dutch province of Friesland.
During the Reformation battles of the Eighty Years' War Friesland converted to Protestantism and secularised all its religious houses. On 31 May 1580 the abbey was dissolved and its assets confiscated by the state of Friesland. The buildings were sold off and demolished. In the 19th and early 20th centuries the mound, about 4 metres high, on which the monastery had stood was removed, and some excavation took place at that time.
Premises and buildings
Nothing remains of the abbey buildings. The site is marked by a monolith.
Boersma: De voormalige abdij Klaarkamp bij Rinsumageest archeologisch verkend, Publikatieband Stichting Alde Fryske Tsjerken 2, 1978, pp. 77–88
Mol, J.A.: Besitzerwerbungen der friesischen Zisterzienserklöster Klaarkamp, Bloemkamp und Gerkesklooster, in: K. Elm (ed.)., Erwerbspolitik und Wirtschaftsweise mittelalterlicher Orden und Klöster, Berliner Historische Studien 17, Ordensstudien 7 (Berlin 1992), pp. 67–96
Praamstra/Boersma: Die archäologischen Untersuchungen der Zisterzienserabteien Clarus Campus (Klaarkamp) bei Rinsumageest (Fr.) und St. Bernardus in Aduard (Gr.), Palaeohistoria 19, 1977, pp. 173–259