Kisan Aur Bhagwan is a 1974 Bollywood action comedy-drama film. The film was produced by Dara Singh and directed by Chandrakant, starring Dara Singh, Feroz Khan, Yogeeta Bali and Abhi Bhattacharya among others.[1]
Ghasitaram, under pressure from his wife, decides to allocate a barren piece of land to his orphaned nephew, Dhanna, who lives with his wife, Bhagwanti, and sister, Laali. Dhanna strives in vain to till this piece of land and ultimately decides to call in Bhagwan Shri Vishnu for assistance. He goes to Pandit Tirlochan, who, instead gives him a rock, and the naive Dhanna brings it home, and refuses to eat anything until and unless Vishnuji shares his humble offerings. This leads to the entire community, including Bhagwanti and Laali, coming to the conclusion that Dhanna has lost his mind.