When Zelda Sparks comes back to the small town of New Essex, two old high school buddies pull a vicious prank on her for wronging them in the past. But they are shocked to learn that the prank may have turned deadly.
David Walker of DVD Talk wrote "Killing Zelda Sparks is not a bad film, just a good film that tries too hard to be quirky and innovative, which comes at the expense of the story and the characters. The film is entertaining and engaging enough to capture your interest, but it has a tough time maintaining it."[2]
David Nusair of Reel Film Reviews said "Killing Zelda Sparks is an effectively acted yet otherwise interminable piece of work that bears all the marks of filmmaker in over his head, as director Jeff Glickman has infused the proceedings with a number of progressively ostentatious cinematic tricks that are ultimately more of a distraction than anything else.[3]