This school is managed by Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan, an autonomous organization of the Ministry of Human Resource Development. Main affairs of school are looked after by the KVS regional office in Patna. Deputy Commissioner is head of Region and District Magistrate of the concerned district is the Chairman of the Vidyalaya Management Committee with local educationists, public representatives and officials from the District as members. The school principal is Suresh Kumar.[5]
School Session
The school year is from April to March. Days are divided into eight-periods with summer and winter timings. The order in which the classes meet varies from day to day.[8]
The Student Council is a body of student representatives, headed by the School Captain. It is made up of the captains of the teams and representatives from other co-curricular activities along with elected and nominated students of each class from grade VI through X. Parliamentary procedure is used at meetings and the main purpose of this group is to assist the Principal, staff, and students in fulfilling their responsibilities. The student members help maintain order in the school during the Assembly and breaks, in between classes, and also on days of important school events.
The Student Council is elected every year (in April) through the election in the supervision of Principal and teachers.
The school operates from a temporary building located in the campus of Shri Gauri Shankar Vidyalaya, Ujain, Maharajganj, Siwan district, Bihar, India.[2]
There are 5 classrooms, 1 science lab, a fully automated library, a computer lab, a children's playground, a cricket pitch, a volleyball court, and an athletics field.[9]
Staff and curriculum
The staff consists of 10 teachers, supervised by the Principal.[10]
Statue of Goddess Saraswati at Kendriya Vidyalaya Maharajganj