Kathir (transl. Ray) is a 2022 Indian Tamil-language drama film written and directed by Dhinesh Palanivel and produced by Dhuvaraga Studios. The film stars Venkatesh, Santhosh Prathap, Bhavya Trikha and Rajini Chandy.[1] The film's music is composed by Prashant Pillai, with cinematography handled by Jayanth Sethu Mathavan and editing done by Deepak S. Dwaraknath. The film released in theatres on 29 April 2022.[2]
Kathir revolves around two people – an unemployed engineering graduate and an old woman with an inspiring past. How their lives get influenced by each other forms the crux of the film.
Logesh Balachandran of The Times of India rated the film with 3/5 stars, stating that, "Kathir is a good watch for people who expect to take something memorable from a film."[4] Bhuvanesh Chandar of Cinema Express gave the rating 2 out of 5 stars and said "It's sad to see how small films like this miss out on becoming something great even when there is potential. I mean, it could have revived itself at many junctures. Hopefully, someone gets to make a better film about the Kathirs and paatis of our world, for there is a good film hiding somewhere there."[5]Ananda Vikatan rated the film 41 out of 100, praising the director for taking a conventional story and perfecting it with lively incidents, interesting screenplay and natural actors.[6]
Dinamani critic said that " 'Kathir' has become an incredible film for many of the film crew including director Dinesh Palanivel and hero Venkatesh as this is their first film. Can watch. " [7]