The film is a remake of Malayalam hit Akashadoothu (1993) directed by Sibi Malayil and was subsequently remade in Telugu as Mathrudevobhava (1993) and in Hindi as Tulsi. Both the Malayalam and Telugu versions had actress Madhavi in the lead role. However, in Kannada version, she was replaced by Vinaya Prasad. The original version was based on the 1983 American film Who Will Love My Children?.[1]
A Church-like Hindu order provides the spiritual context for this unusual story about the extinction of a lower-class alcoholic family. The drunkard Mohan (Tiger Prabhakar ) is married to Sharada (Vinaya Prasad), a cultured music teacher employed in a Hindu ashram, who tries to reform her husband. The villain in this allegory of a Hindu community is a Christian, Antony, who tries to rape Sharada and later kills Mohan shortly after Sharada is diagnosed as terminally ill with cancer. Sharada dies before she can find adoptive parents for her children, but the saintly head of the ashram (Srinath) does this for her. The film also has a few comic scenes, e.g. in a bar, where a series of jokes culminate in a song talking about the plight of Kannada speaking people in Bangalore city.