Kamoke is a bustling town located on the GT road. Most inhabitants are Arae, Butts, Dars, Jats, Gujjars, Mughals, Momin Ansari, Rahmani Maliks, Rajputs Rana Arslan, (Pathans are also influential) and depend on agriculture. It is famous for its rice and burfy (a local sweet).
This area is attached to many villages and suburbs that are holding vast swathes of agricultural land. Almost all kind of vegetable are grown here as per the regional and climatic conditions.
Rural vicinities are also well known for producing the dairy products that include milk, butter and other related products.
Political Situation
In terms of political leadership, unfortunately however this region has not got any sincere representative who could truly think of the problems and difficulties faced by general masses. Culture of politics till date revolves around family politics and tribe loyalty instead of vision-based.
Even in recent general elections of 2018, people preferred the same family and caste politics and elected the year old tested and in-effective political leadership. However, with the new government in the provincial assembly, there is chance of seeing a positive local bodies governing system.
Union councils
here the names of the Union councils are as follows:
leader:Raees iqbal dar Advocate High
court, Ch Muhammad Rafique Virk, Shamshad Ahmad khan marhom, Rana Umar nazir khan MPA 99, Rana nazir khan, Ch Ashraf Ali Ansari ex Nazim UC 163/8, Currently MPA PP-93.