Kalara Santhe is a 2009 Indian Kannada-language action drama film directed by Sumana Kittur. The film features Yash, Hariprriya in the lead roles. The film revolves around a young man who is let down by the system decides to commit suicide. When the news spreads to the media and the government, he undergoes a life-changing event.
A critic from The Times of India gave the film a rating of 3+1⁄2 out of five stars writing that "A good show by director D Sumana Kittur who gives a comical twist to a political satire with lively narration and apt sequences".[1] A critic from Deccan Herald stated that "Yash and Haripriya make a good pair on the screen. Rangayana Raghu does justice to the role. Manohar’s music is refreshing.[2]R. G. Vijayasarathy of Rediff.com wrote that "Kallara Sante does not have much entertaining but it is still a watchable film for politically-conscious movie fans".[3] A critic from The New Indian Express wrote "Yash has tried hard to perform well while Haripriya is charming. She has improved a lot in dialogue delivery. The scene where she tells Yash to ask the chief minister to provide 60x40 BDA site, 20 acres of agricultural land and Rs 20 lakh is a treat to watch. Kishore has played a different kind of character. Had the director and the scriptwriter taken more care to make the screenplay crisp, the film might have been at par with Aa Dinagalu".[4]