Kalla Nottam (released internationally as The False Eye) is a 2019 Indian Malayalam language coming-of-age drama film directed by Rahul Riji Nair starring Vasudev, Suryadev, and Ansu.
Sajin Shrijith of The New Indian Express opined that "Kalla Nottam is that rare coming-of-age drama which proves aesthetics don’t matter much when the content is strong. I initially expected it to be something innocent and light-hearted, but I found the slightly dark direction it took later so refreshing. I didn’t see some of the surprises coming. This is one of the best Malayalam films of this year".[2] Cris of The News Minute wrote that "If the last 15 minutes or so of the short-length feature (1 hour 10 minutes) had been different, Kalla Nottam would have been a wonderful little package".[3] Nirmal Jovial of The Week said that "Kalla Nottam is a brilliantly scripted film, executed with minimal resources. The finest performers (after the digital camera) are undoubtedly the three child artistes".[4] G. Ragesh of onManorama wrote that "Its unconventional way of story-telling, made possible with an innovative cinematography, makes it an engaging watch even as unfolding a simple but relevant plot.[5]