Kalam (transl. Field) is a 2016 Tamil horror film directed by Robert Raaj. The film stars N. L. Srinivasan, Amzath Khan, and Lakshmi Priyaa Chandramouli in the lead roles, while Pooja Ramachandran, Madhusudhan Rao, and Nassar play supporting roles. The music was composed by Prakash Nikki with cinematography by Mukesh. The film released on 29 April 2016.
Gautham and Deeksha, along with their daughter, move into a bungalow located in an isolated area. Later, after a few days, they start experiencing paranormal activities in and around the house.
The Times of India gave the film three out of five stars and compared the film to a thin crust pizza: "In that sense, you could call Kalam a thin-crust Pizza — has everything you expect, but somehow doesn’t seem fullfilling".[4]The Hindu wrote that "Save for the twist that makes you turn back to the screen with mild interest, Kalam is a rather uninspired horror show".[5]Sify stated that "Kalam is a watchable horror thriller. Not a bad way to spend an evening".[6]Behindwoods stated that "Kalam, by no means, is a great horror movie. It’s more of a thriller than horror ".[7] The Deccan Chronicle wrote that "One cannot help but reminded of Karthik Subburaj’s thriller Pizza as most part of the film unfolds inside a bungalow. The saving grace is the unexpected twist in the climax and kudos to Robert Raaj for maintaining the suspense factor intact till the end".[8][9]