A renowned story teller during the 1980s currently earning a living at the sawmill, hiding the performer in him due to his dire circumstances. A 17-year-old boy living in a juvenile home wishes to learn story telling from him with the support of the superintendent. His desire to learn the art form reignites the story teller's faith in the same. Over a short span of time, the relation ship between the Kadhikan and the young boy becomes a bond unlike any other, unfolding new dimensions in both their lives.[3][4]
Unni Mukundan as the superintendent of the juvenile home
In September 2022, Unni Mukundan reported that he was working on this film alongside two other unreleased Jayaraj films: Pramadhavanam and Mehfil.[5][6]
A critic from The Hindu wrote that "Despite noble intentions to shed light on a dying art form, the Jayaraj film misses the mark when it comes to having an intriguing plot".[8]