Kabulkan Doaku is a 2000 Indonesian Ramadan family television series that was first aired on RCTI in November 2000. Directed by Maman Firmansyah from a screenplay written by Bung SMAS, the series stars the ensemble cast led by Adjie Massaid and Devi Permatasari.
Principal brothers Lesmana and Darma went into business that was previously run by their father. When Ratna took control of Lesmana's richness, their principality broke up, and then Ratna warmed her husband up by stating that Darma's legacy that he gave is not equivalent to Lesmana's. However, Lesmana's family vacation plans were in trouble when Ratna called a man who made handbrake broken, causing Lesmana's family blindfolded after the car accident.
Devi Permatasari as Farida, a girl who felt anxious after being struggled with stroke.
Principal casting of Kabulkan Doaku began in early 2000. Devi Permatasari, who portrayed the protagonist Farida, states that the character "anxious after struggled with stroke".[1]