She was chief executive of JRF and JRHT from January 2007 to December 2016. Previous roles include being a freelance consultant between 1993 and 2006 – during this time Unwin undertook policy analysis, governance support and project evaluation. She has been a member of the peer review of Cabinet office (2000), a member of the Capability Review at DCLG (2006), Social Policy Adviser at NatWest Bank, and Senior Adviser to the Baring Foundation.[citation needed] She is a member of the Council at the University of York.[6]
Former roles
1978–1980: Field worker, Liverpool Council for Voluntary Service
1980-1982: Community Liaison officer, London Borough of Southwark social services
In January 2016, Unwin was appointed as an independent non-executive Director of Mears Group Plc. In January 2017, she was appointed as a non-executive director at Yorkshire Water. She is also a non-executive director of the Financial Reporting Council. She chaired the independent inquiry into the future of civil society, which concluded and published its findings in late 2018.[9]
She received an Outstanding Leadership Award, at the 2010 Charity Awards. The presenter said: "'s hard to overstate the impact that her work has had on social policy in the UK."[6]
Family life
Unwin is married and has two children.[3] They reside in York, England.[12]
Lending money, the issues for grant making trusts, Baring Foundation, 1995
Trends, Myths and Realities: Funding Policy and the Local Voluntary Sector, with Peter Westland; Association of Charitable Foundations, 1996
Who Pays for Core Costs?, ACEVO, 1999
Speaking Truth to Power, Baring Foundation, 2004[13]
The Grant Making Tango: Issues for Funders, Baring Foundation, 2004[14]
The Voluntary Sector delivering public services: Transfer or transformation?, with Will Paxton, Nick Pearce and Peter Molyneux; Joseph Rowntree Foundation, 2005[15]
Fruitful Funding: A guide to levels of engagement, NCVO, 2005[16]
The role of kindness in public policy, Carnegie UK Trust[17]