La Injusticia Federal: El Ocultamiento de los Jueces y la historia negra de la SIDE en los sobornos del Senado (2005) Buenos Aires: Edhasa ISBN950-9009-31-8
Después de la tormenta, las claves de la posguerra (1991, collective work after the first Gulf War);
Roldán-Paesa, la conexión suiza (1997, corruption in Spain and Switzerland); after word to the Spanish edition on Nazi Gold (1997) (L’or nazi), a book by Jean Ziegler, contribution on networks of laundering dirty money of the Nazi dictatorship in Spain, Portugal and Argentina; España: Akal ISBN84-460-0817-3
Borges: la posesión póstuma (2000, the last days of Argentine writer Jorge Luis Borges in Geneva, translated into French by Éditions Timéli of Geneva in 2006); España: Softcover, Foca Ediciones y Distribuciones ISBN84-95440-10-5
Rodolfo Walsh price for literature non-fiction (2001)
In the international contest Semana Negra of Gijón, Spain, with Rodrigo de Castro, for the book La delgada línea blanca, investigation into Pinochet’s dictatorship in Chile and links with Argentina[citation needed]
In the contest’s 10th anniversary of the Swiss Club de la Presse in Geneva with Carole Vann. For investigative journalism on confidential reports to the United Nations of violations of human rights in Iran and Uzbekistan, French and English, in the website Tribune of Human Rights in the newspapers Le Temps and Le Courrier.[citation needed]