During his life, "Joey" Amberg amassed a lengthy criminal record. On January 11, 1914, Amberg was arrested by Detective Capone in Brownsville, Brooklyn. The police had searched for him in connection with a shooting. On October 7, 1913, Amberg had shot two men, Joseph Schaefer and David Goldstein, both of Brooklyn, New York City. Goldstein had been shot in the hand when he attempted to come to the rescue of Schaefer, who was the first to get shot. It took months for the police to arrest Amberg, but it finally happened on January 11, 1914. The next day, Amberg, who was described as being "dreaded generally throughout Brownsville", was held without bail by Magistrate Steers on two charges of felonious assault.[4] Amberg later plead guilty to assault in the first degree and illegally carrying a revolver. On February 9, 1914, County Judge Tiernan sentenced him to eight years imprisonment.[5]