"Joe and Mary" is a rock song written by Bryan Adams and Gretchen Peters, released on November 15, 2019, from the Christmas EP.[1][2] On November 25, 2019, following its release on the Christmas EP, Adams released a video for the song.[3][4][5]
Music video
Directed by Adams, the video shows the Canadian rocker reinventing the classic Christmas story of Joseph and Mary, as a classic rock and roll love story, with Jesus' parents fleeing their small town and finding a safe haven for themselves and their unborn child. Set in the streets of Vancouver, aboard a Buick Gran Sport, the role of the pregnant "Mary" is played by singer Kessi Blue, there are three Harley-Davidsonmotorcycles in the video representing the biblical magi.[3]
Credits and personnel
Bryan Adams — lead and backing vocals, piano, drums, guitars, bass, songwriter, producer