Jan or Joannes Cnobbaert (1590–1637) was a Flemish printer, publisher and bookseller who was active in Antwerp in the early 17th century.
Cnobbaert was born in Antwerp in 1590. He married Maria de Man.[1] In 1623 he was registered as living next to the 'Huys der Professen vande Societeyt IESV, in S. Peeter' in Antwerp.[2] After he died in Antwerp on 14 September 1637 his widow Maria continued the business as "Widow of Jan Cnobbaert" ('Vidua Cnobbaert' or 'Veuve Cnobbaert').[1][2] The printer Michiel Cnobbaert or Knobbaert who was active at the same address in the 1660s and early 1670s was probably a relative (possibly a son).[1][3]
1627: Gesuiti : Collegium Antuerpiense, Typus mundi in quo eius calamitates et pericula nec non diuini, humanique amoris antipathia, emblematice proponuntur[7]
1629: De groote evangelische peerle vol devote ghebeden, goddelijcke oeffeningen, ende gheestelijcke leeringhen[8]