"Jiggle Jiggle" is a 2022 single by British-American journalist and documentary maker Louis Theroux, produced by Manchester-based DJ duo Duke & Jones (Isaac McKelvey and Luke Conibear). The song was created based on a rap trend that Theroux had been involved in, featuring a snippet of him rapping on the "Gangsta Rap" episode of the show Weird Weekends.[1]
Manchester-based duo Duke & Jones, who had created other autotune remixes to random audio clips, posted an autotuned version of the interview on 16 March 2022. The clip quickly went viral on TikTok and other social media platforms, garnering 50 million views on TikTok as of 14 May.[1] More footage was eventually revealed of Theroux rapping, leading to the BBC calling him "a massive hip-hop head".[4]
The trend has seen many TikTok users dance to the autotuned version of the lyric "My money don't jiggle jiggle, it folds..."[5] The song as of 17 May 2022, has been used in 2.6 million TikTok videos.[2]
On 12 April 2022, Duke & Jones released an extended version of the rap from Chicken Shop Date. As of 26 December 2022, the song has garnered over 20 million views on YouTube.[6]
On 12 May 2022, Duke & Jones posted an Instagram video of Theroux recording "Jiggle Jiggle" in a studio, hinting at the release of a new single by Theroux.[7] "Jiggle Jiggle" was released the next day on 13 May.[8]