1949 animated short film directed by William Hanna and Joseph Barbera
Jerry's Diary is a 1949 one-reel animated cartoon that is the 45th Tom and Jerry short released by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer,[1] directed by William Hanna and Joseph Barbera, produced by Fred Quimby, scored by Scott Bradley, and animated by Kenneth Muse and Ed Barge. It is the first of several compilation Tom and Jerry shorts, integrating footage from previous shorts into the plot.
Tom sets up traps in front of Jerry's home, but is interrupted by a radio announcement declaring it "Be Kind To Animals" week. He replaces the traps with gifts, but discovers that Jerry is not at home. Instead, he finds Jerry's diary and reads about their past encounters:
- two scenes from the episode Tee for Two where Jerry has to play the role of Tom's golf ball tee;
- a scene from Mouse Trouble where Tom sets a trap by arousing Jerry's curiosity, only for Jerry to respond in kind;
- the kitchen chase scene from Solid Serenade;
- scenes from The Yankee Doodle Mouse where Jerry tricks Tom into getting himself blasted by firecrackers.[2][3][4]
Each successive entry fans Tom's anger, making him destroy his presents and finally rip up the diary. When the unsuspecting Jerry returns home, Tom tries to grab him, but the radio reminds him to be kind. As a sarcastic response to that message, Tom smashes his last remaining gift - a pie - into Jerry's face, leaving him baffled.
Voice cast
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