In 2007, he was named Diplomat-in-Residence at the Woodrow Wilson School of Princeton University. The School partnered in the democracy support project Kinsman headed under the Community of Democracies that researched, and produced a field guide for democracy support, "A Diplomat's Handbook for Democracy Development Support", now in a Third Edition, published by CIGI (Centre for International Governance Innovation) in 2013. In 2009–2010, Kinsman was appointed Regents' Lecturer at the University of California, Berkeley, and joined Berkeley's Institute of Governmental Studies as Resident International Scholar. From 2011–2017, he was concurrently Distinguished Diplomatic Visitor at Ryerson University, Toronto. He has been a member of the Foreign Affairs Council of Justin Trudeau.
Kinsman is a regular contributor to print media and TV, notably as lead foreign affairs writer for Policy Magazine. He is a Distinguished Fellow of the Canadian International Council, and since 2007 has been an independent Director on the Board of Dundee Precious Metals, Inc.. Kinsman is also a member of the Prague Society for International Cooperation.[1]