His works are mainly devoted to the construction of a theory of modern society under the name of Meta/structural theory (théorie méta/structurelle). Modern nation-states, as elements of world system, are structured on both market and organisation, supposedly rational mediations, as co-implied class factors. The philosophical, sociological, historical, legal-political and cultural aspects of this paradigm are developed in the sense of an Altermarxism, by contrast with classical Marxism.
Que faire du Capital?, Klincksieck. 1985, 2° édition, PUF, 2000, 300 pp. Croatian, Japanese and Korean editions
Bidet, J. (1990). Théorie de la modernité (Paris: PUF) 300 pp. Appeared in Spanish, Buenos Aires, Bellas Letras, 1993, in Italian, Roma, Laterza, 1993.
Bidet, J. (1995). John Rawls et la théorie de la justice (Paris: PUF) 140 pp.
Bidet, J. (1999). Théorie générale (Paris: PUF) 504 pp., Croatian edition (Disput, 2008, a revised shorter edition in 300 pp.), Chinese edition (Remnin Press, 2009).
(ed. with Eustache Kouvelakis) Dictionnaire Marx Contemporain, PUF, 2001, 600 pp. Chinese edition (Remnin Press).
Bidet, J. (2004). Explication et reconstruction du Capital (Paris: PUF) 320 pp. . Appeared in Spanish (LOM, Santiago, Chile) 2006, in Italian (Manifesto Libri, 2010), in Brazilian (EditoraUnicamp, 2010). To appear in Chinese (Social Science Academic Press).
Bidet, J. and Duménil, G. (2007). Altermarxisme, un autre marxisme pour un autre monde (Paris: PUF) 300 pp. [Altermarxism, Another Marxism for another World]. Appeared in Spanish (Viejo Topo, 2009), in Polish (Dialog 2011), to appear in Chinese (Social Science Academic Press) and Korean.
Bidet, J. (2011). L’État-monde, Libéralisme, Socialisme et Communisme à l’échelle mondiale, Refondation du marxisme (Paris: PUF) 320 p.
Bidet, J. (2014). Foucault avec Marx (Paris: La fabrique)
Bidet, J. (1990). A Theory of Modernity
Bidet, J. (1995). John Rawls and the Theory of Justice
Bidet, J. (1999). A General Theory of Modernity
Bidet, J. (2004). Explanation and Reconstruction of Capital
Bidet, J. (2006). Exploring Marx’s Capital (Boston: Leyden)
Bidet, J. and Duménil, G. (2007). Altermarxism: Another Marxism for Another World
Bidet, J. (2007). Critical Companion of Contemporary Marxism (Boston: Leyden)
Bidet, J. (2011). World State, Liberalism, Socialism, and Communism at Global Scale: A Refoundation of Marxism
Bidet, J. (2016). Foucault with Marx (London: Zed Books), trans. Steven Corcoran
Other translations
Bidet, J. (2000 [1995]). John Rawls y la Teoría de la justicia Spanish edition (Barcelona)