Producers Sundar p Gowda and Anil bought the remake of the Tamil film just a week after its release. They approached their friend Duniya Vijay who accepted to play the lead role and help his friends produce the film in his home banner "Duniya Talkies". It was reported that he accepted the role and offered to work in it for free without any remuneration. The film was officially launched on 20 January 2014 in Bangalore co-inciding the birthday of Vijay.
After finalizing Vijay for the lead role, the producers approached actress Pavana Gowda of Gombegala Love fame to play the female lead reprising the role of Swati Reddy in the original version. Actor Rangayana Raghu was roped in to play a key supporting role. Also famous television actor Rajinikant has played an important character in the movie.[citation needed]
Music composer Arjun Janya was finally roped in to score for both score and soundtrack after names such as Veer Samarth were doing rounds during the launch of the film. One track composed by Veer Samarth was retained in the final track list. The lyrics are written by Yogaraj Bhat and Chethan Kumar.
GS Kumar of The Times of India scored the film at 2.5 out of 5 stars and says "Vijay’s performance may impress only his fans. Aishwarya, who makes her presence felt as a romantic interest in a sub-plot in the movie, is better than Vrinda Pavana. Rangayana Raghu’s comic act brings some liveliness. Deepa, the dubbing artiste, outshines all with a captivating performance. Music by Arjun Janya is good."[2] Shyam Prasad S of Bangalore Mirror scored the film at 2.5 out of 5 stars and says "Vijay's stunt sequences are a saving grace. The cinematography and art work are other aspects of the film that rise above the average."[3]