In 1952, Wilson produced Mystery Theater, a Friday night television program in Los Angeles. In the era of live TV, when holding TV programs to their intended durations was a problem, Wilson was noted for keeping Mystery Theater on time by using techniques that he had practiced with radio programs. Reading scripts aloud ahead of time and marking where optional cuts could be made provided the ability to adapt if a program began to run long.[7]
He inverted his first and middle names so as not to be confused with Don Wilson, the announcer on The Jack Benny Program. In 1938, it was announced that he had adopted the name Norman Wilson,[6] but at some point he went back to J. Donald Wilson.
He was married to Loraine Wilson, who sued him for divorce in 1948 over numerous affairs, including one with his secretary Tania Karl.[12] Wilson was later married to Christine McIntyre.[13] He reportedly suffered a nervous breakdown in 1946, but was soon back at work.[14] He died in 1984.[15]