NobleJános Bud de Budfalva[1] (30 May 1880 – 7 August 1950) was a Hungarian politician, who served as Minister of Finance between 1924 and 1928. After finishing his law studies he worked for the National Statistical Office. From 1910 he served as secretary aide for the Ministry of Trade. He taught statistics at the University of Budapest. István Bethlen appointed him Minister of Food in 1922. After 1928 he served as Minister of Economics and Minister of Trade. His financial politics the consolidation was in the service of a landowner tycoon's interests.
^Alexandru FILIPAȘCU, Enciclopedia familiilor nobile maramureșene de origine română/ The encyclopedia of noble families of a romanian origin in Maramureș county, by Ion and Livia Piso, Ed. Eikon, 2015, p.150-153,