The Ithaca City School District (ICSD) is a public school district centered in Ithaca, Caroline, Danby, and Enfield. Approximately 600 teachers work in the district, along with 300 other professional staff members, 275 paraprofessionals, and 40 administrators, including principals.
In May 2024, the District proposed an 8.4% tax increase to support a budget that would include 4 new electric buses, among other items.[2]
In June 2024, following a Legal Insurrection Foundation complaint, the Ithaca City School District apologized for organizing a "students of color"-only event.[3]
The district's central offices are located on the Ithaca High School campus at 400 Lake Street in Ithaca. The 2020-2021 budget is $136,842,648, with approximately 65.8% coming from property taxes.
Dr. Luvelle Brown began as superintendent on January 1, 2011. He took over from Dr. Judith C. Pastel, who had been Superintendent of Schools since 1996. The district's administrative team now includes Lily Talcott, Deputy Superintendent; Robert Van Keuren, Director of Human Resources and Labor Relations; Amanda Verba, Chief Operations Officer; Mary Grover, Inclusion Officer; and Dr. Daniel Breiman, Administration Officer.
Dr. Sean Eversley Bradwell is the President of the Board of Education; Moira Lang is Vice-President. There are nine members of the Board of Education elected at-large for three-year terms. Current members (with term expiration dates in parentheses):[7]
Belle Sherman Elementary School (founded in 1926 and named after Mary Isabella Sherman, a science and history teacher in Ithaca from 1875 to 1908)[8]
Beverly J. Martin Elementary School (formerly Central Elementary, renamed Beverly J. Martin Elementary School in honor of a former student and principal in 1992)